The Best Mina Murray Quotes

[Mina's breakup letter to Dracula]
Mina: My Dearest Prince, Forgive me. I have received word from my fiance in Romania. I am en route to join him. We are to be married. I will never see you again. Mina

[last lines]
Mina: [narrating] There, in the presence of God, I understood at last how love could release us all from the power of darkness. Our love is stronger than death.
Dracula: Give me peace.
Mina: [impales him with the sword, then kisses him, then beheads him]

Mina: Take me away from all this death!

Mina: I love you! Oh, God forgive me, I do!

Mina: [looking at an illustration of a sexual act in the book "Arabian Nights"] Can a man and a woman really do... that?
Lucy: I did, only last night.
Mina: Fibber! You did not!
Lucy: Yes, I did!
[Mina gasps]
Lucy: Well, in my dreams!

Mina: I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.
Dracula: Mina, to walk with me you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine.
Mina: You are my love... and my life, always.
Dracula: Then, I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth. Walk with me to be my loving wife, forever.

[Dracula has been slashed in the throat by Jonathan and impaled by Quincey]
Mina: [to Jonathan] When my time comes, will you do the same to me? Will you?
Jonathan: [pause] No.

[Mina is using Dracula's power to create a snowstorm]
Mina: [chanting] Vint, adu-mi un dor de duca!

Mina: [watching Lucy flirt with possible suitors at the party, voiceover] Lucy is a pure and virtuous girl. But, I admit that her free way of speaking shocks me sometimes. Jonathan says it is a defect of the aristocracy that they say what they please. The truth is that I admire Lucy, and I'm not surprised that men flock around her. I wish I were as pretty and as adored as she.

Mina: How did Lucy die? Was she in great pain?
Professor: Yeah, she was in great pain! Then we cut off her head, and drove a stake through her heart, and burned it, and then she found peace.