Top 100 Quotes From Winona Ryder

Veronica: You're a rebel? You think you're a rebel? You're not a rebel you're fucking psychotic!
J.D.: You say 'toh-may-toe', I say 'toe-mah-toh.

- I'm all ears!
Joyce: I mean, fine.
- Just saying.
- Gah!
- Ugh!
- Gah!

- Stop it. Shh!
Lydia: No.
Otho: As flies the lizard serpent fell as goblin vizard at the spell the buried, dead and slain rise again

Joyce: Bob!
- Bob!
- What happened?
- No!
Joyce: No!
- He's gone! He's gone!
- Come on! Get in!

Peg: Edward, this is our daughter Kim. Kim, this is Edward, who's gonna live with us.
Kim: Hi.

Veronica: That knife is filthy.
J.D.: What do you think I'm going to do with it, take out her tonsils?
Veronica: Excuse me, I think I know Heather a little bit better than you do. If she were going to slit her wrists, the knife would be spotless.

Max: Do you think he heard that?
- It's just a phone. It could be anywhere.
- Right?
- Hey. Hey, can you hear me?
- It knows. It knows where we are.
Joyce: Oh, shit.

Veronica: It's one thing to want someone out of your life, but it's another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer.

J.D.: Greetings and salutations... you a Heather?
Veronica: No, I'm a Veronica... Sawyer.

- Hello?
Joyce: Hello?
Joyce: Hello?

Veronica: Suicide gave Heather depth, Kurt a soul, and Ram a brain. I don't know what it's given me, but I have no control over myself when I'm with J.D. Are we going to prom or to hell?

- Okay.
Joyce: How... how's Mike dealing with this?
- Is he, uh, okay?
Karen: Mike?
- Uh... I don't know.
- He skipped school yesterday.
- He's never done anything like that before.

Joyce: I don't care if anyone believes me!

Dr. Martin Brenner: Six.
Joyce: What?
Dr. Martin Brenner: Six. Six people have been taken this week. This thing that took your son... We don't really understand it. But its behavior is predictable. Like all animals, it eats. It will take more sons. More daughters. I want to save them. I want to save your son. But I can't do that. Not without your help.
Joyce: Stop. I know who you are. I know what you've done. You took my boy away from me! You left him in that place to die! You faked his death! We had a funeral. We buried him. And now you're asking for my help? Go to hell.

[Shouting] Will?
- Will?
- Will?
- Will?
- Will!
Jonathan: Will!
- Will?
Joyce: Will!
- Where are you?

Veronica: Heather, my love, there's a new sheriff in town.

- That's one minute too long.
- -Alexei.
- -[gasps]
[in Russian] What's going on?
- We gotta go. Vroom, vroom.
- Back to Hawkins. Come on.
Joyce: Come on.

Veronica: Dear Diary, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count.

Veronica: [writing in diary] Betty Finn was a true friend and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Killing Heather would be like offing the wicked witch of the west... wait east. West! God! I sound like a fucking psycho.

J.D.: Well, ah... Let's take a look at some of the homosexual artifacts I dug up to plant at the scene.
[He picks up a shopping bag and pulls items out of it]
J.D.: All right. Got an issue of "Stud Puppy."
Veronica: Great!
[She laughs]
J.D.: Candy dish. Joan Crawford postcard. Let's see, some mascara. All right. And here's the one perfecto thing I picked up. Mineral water.
Veronica: Oh, come on, a lot of people drink mineral water, it's come a long way.
J.D.: Yeah, but this is Ohio. I mean, if you don't have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress.
Veronica: Oh, you're so smart.

Kim: Edward?
Edward: Are you okay?
Kim: Yes. Are you okay?
Edward: Where is everybody?
Kim: Out looking for you.

- Something's wrong.
- She's just drained.
- No, no, no, she won't wake up. El!
- El! [Echoing] Ell
[hopper] There's more blood.
- Oh, my god.
Joyce: This way.

Veronica: All we want is to be treated like human beings, not to be experimented on like guinea pigs or patronized like bunny rabbits.
Veronica's: I don't patronize bunny rabbits.

[Man] Get him out. Go! Go!
Joyce: God! Hold on, sweetie!
- I'm right here. Just hold on.

Veronica: I just killed my best friend.
J.D.: And your worst enemy.
Veronica: Same difference.

Murray: Joyce, there are certain things one can be late to in life. A dentist's appointment. A one-year-old's birthday party, because who cares? Little idiot's not gonna remember it. But for what is essentially a ransom exchange, for that, for that, I think you very much need to be on time! I'm sorry. I'm very tense.
Joyce: Clearly.

Melissa: [In awe] Oh my god, Ray Ray Green?
[Starts screaming]
Rachel: [Screaming too] Melissa!
[They hug]
Melissa: You have been M.I.A for the past seven sorority newsletters, what's up with you?
Rachel: [Embarassed] Why don't I tell you over here?
[They move far from the other friends]
Melissa: So, last I heard, you were gonna get married
[Takes Rachel's hand but sees no ring]
Melissa: Oh, poor Ray Ray.
Rachel: Oh no, no. That's good, it's all good. I actually work at Ralph Lauren.
Melissa: Shut up!
Rachel: I will not! I'm the divisional head of men's sportswear.
Melissa: Oh, shut up more! Are you friends with Ralph?
Rachel: Oh, please.
Melissa: Are you?
Rachel: No.
Melissa: Listen, we have to have dinner, what are you doing tomorrow night?
Rachel: Oh, tomorrow, I don't know.
Melissa: You do now, you're having dinner with me.
Rachel: Shut up!

Heather: Veronica, you look like hell.
Veronica: Yeah? I just got back.

Kim: Hold me.
Edward: I can't.

- Look... look at him!
- Jonathan, wait!
- You're killing him!
Joyce: Just wait!
- No!
- No, leave it!
- You're killing him!
- Leave it!
- Wait, Jonathan, Jonathan!
- His neck! His neck!

Jim: Guess you got my message, huh?
Joyce: Oh, no, I just have always wanted to visit the Soviet Union. With Murray.
Jim: You two getting along?
Joyce: He's the Starsky to my Hutch.

- Oh!
- I'm happy you went to your… conference.
- That was quite the experience.
Joyce: Oh.

Beetlejuice: [Trying to get Lydia to guess his name, he makes a beetle appear] Hi! How are ya' ?
Lydia: [Gasps] Ah, B-Beetle!
Beetlejuice: Yes! Now for part two...
Lydia: [Conjures a glass of orange juice that pours into a glass] Beetle... Breakfast... Orange... Liquid... Beetle Juice?
Beetlejuice: Yes! You said it!
Lydia: Your name's "Beetle Juice"?
Beetlejuice: You said it two times, come on. Say it one more time!
Lydia: It was you.
Beetlejuice: Me?
Lydia: The snake.
Beetlejuice: No, what snake? You kids and your imaginations... Look, just say it!
Lydia: No... I want to talk to Barbara.
Beetlejuice: No, you don't need to talk to Barbara. JUST SAY IT!

Veronica: What is your damage, Heather?

Nina: Beth! I'm so sorry to hear you're leaving the company.
Beth: What did you do to get this role? He always said you were such a frigid little girl. What did you do to change his mind? Did you suck his cock?
Nina: Not all of us have to.
Beth: [chuckles] You fucking whore! You fucking little whore!

[Hopper] Oh, God!
Joyce: Hang on!
- Still think it was our government?

Preacher: And you, do you, Lydia, take this man...?
Lydia: [Interrupting] No! Beetle...
Beetlejuice: [covers Lydia's mouth with his hand] She's a little bit nervous. Uh, maybe I should answer for her, okay?
[speaks in Lydia's voice]
Beetlejuice: I'm Lydia Deetz and I'm of sound mind. The man next to me is the one I want. You asked me, I'm answering. Yes, I love that man of mine.

Veronica: You know, I have a little prepared speech I tell my suitor when he wants more than I'd like to give him. Gee, blank, I had a really nice...
Brad: Save the speeches for Malcolm X, I just want to get laid.
Veronica: You don't deserve my fucking speech.

Jim: [after seeing Edward accidentally cut Kim] Hey! Now you've done it!
Kim: It was just a scratch Jim, really!
Peg: What's going on?
Jim: Call a doctor, he skewered Kim!
Kim: He didn't skewer me!
Jim: [now bullying and shoving Edward] You can't touch anything without destroying it! Who the hell do you think you are hanging around here, huh? Get the hell outta here! Go you freak!
Jim: [to Kim] He tried to hurt you.
Kim: No he did not and you know it!
Jim: Are you nuts? I just saw him!
Kim: Jim, I don't love you anymore I just want you to go, ok? Just go!
Jim: Are you serious? Losing me to a loser like that? He isn't even human!
Kim: Just get out of here ok, just go!
Kim: [after Jim has left] Dad, did you see where Edward went?
Bill: No, he just waltzed down the street.

- -[prod sizzles]
- -[Demodog trills]
- -[Vecna grunts]
- -[tentacles whip]
- Joyce!
Joyce: Hop!
- -[snarling]
- -[Joyce gasps]
- -[growls]
- -Hey, assholes!

Joyce: What is your problem? We have had a very long day. We've been shot at, nearly blown up, walked god knows how many miles in 100 degree heat, stole a car, all while being chased by this gigantic psychopath, all so we could bring HIM to YOU because somehow you're the closest person who speaks Russian, which I can't believe but that doesn't matter because unfortunately we're here, so if you don't mind put that thing away, stop behaving like a jackass, and ask him what he's doing that is making my magnets fall off my damn fridge! Please!

Veronica: If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game-show host.
Heather: Let's knock off early. Buy some shoes. Something lame like that.

- If things go sideways, I should mention
- I'm now a black belt in karate.
- Hello?
Joyce: Hello?
Murray: Hello?
- -Hello--
- -[welding sparks crackle]

Lydia: [Lydia is writing a suicide note] I am alone.
[throws paper away and starts over]
Lydia: I am *utterly* alone.

Mr. Melvald: Okay, that looks like twenty-two dollars and fifty-six cents.
Joyce: Uh, yeah, you know, uh... I gave Jonathan all my money for... for the copies for the posters. Uh, I need an advance.
Mr. Melvald: Yes, well, of course. Of course.
Joyce: Thank you. Yeah, uh, I was thinking two weeks?
Mr. Melvald: Yes, I understand, but, you know, I have to pay Jeffrey for covering...
Joyce: Donald. I've been here ten years. right? Have I ever called in sick or missed a shift once? I've worked, uh, Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving. I don't know where my boy is. He's gone. I don't know if I'm... gonna ever see him again, if he's hurt... I, uh... I need this phone and two weeks' advance. And a pack of Camels!

Veronica: Hey, Martha. My date for the prom kinda flaked out on me. I was wondering, If you weren't doing anything that night, maybe we could rent some new releases and pop some popcorn.
Martha: I'd like that.
Veronica: Yeah. Me too.

Lydia: Are you the guys hiding out in the attic?
Adam: We're ghosts!
Lydia: What do you look like under there?
Adam: Aren't you scared?
Lydia: I'm not scared of sheets. Are you gross under there? Are you "Night of the Living Dead" under there? Like all bloody veins and pus?
Adam: Night of the what?
Lydia: Living Dead. It's a movie.
Barbara: You know, if I had seen a ghost at your age I would have been scared out of my wits.

Mina: How did Lucy die? Was she in great pain?
Professor: Yeah, she was in great pain! Then we cut off her head, and drove a stake through her heart, and burned it, and then she found peace.

Joyce: He has a couple of friends, but, you know the kids, they're mean. They make fun of him. They call him names. They laugh at him, his clothes...
Jim: His clothes? What's wrong with his clothes?
Joyce: I don't know. Does that matter?
Jim: Maybe.

Murray: Then he probably met some new friends. And by friends, I mean the KGB. And believe me when I tell you, these people are the worst of the worst. I am talking torture, Joyce. And no matter how strong you think Jim is, they will break him. They will get his whole life story. And yes, that might very well include a planned date at Enzo's with you, his co-conspirator, making this all an elaborate ruse to capture you as well.
Joyce: You just made all that up.

Lydia: They don't wanna come down.
Delia: Charles...
Otho: Why not?
Lydia: I think the reason is, is that they were trying to scare you away, and you didn't get scared.
Delia: Please, they're dead. It's a little late to be neurotic.

Joyce: Is there any way that you could...
- That you could reach will?
- That you could talk to him in this...
- The upside down.
[Whispering] Down. Yeah.
Nancy: And my friend Barbara?
- Can you find her, too?

[last lines]
Kim: She never saw him again. Not after that night.
Granddaughter: How do you know?
Kim: [removes her glasses] Because I was there.
Granddaughter: You could have gone up there. You could still go.
Kim: No, sweetheart. I'm an old woman now. I would rather he remember me the way I was.
Granddaughter: How do you know he's still alive?
Kim: I don't know, not for sure. But I believe he is. You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes, you can still catch me dancing in it.

- What we do or don't do won't change the outcome.
- We have to start the burn.
- Where you going?
- I'm going to think.
Joyce: What the hell is taking so long?
- Hey... doctors take forever, always.
- Just try and relax. Just be patient.

Otho: [while Lydia shows them the attic] Fabulous. 'Otho Fenlock's Locked Door Ghosts' Probably committed suicide up there. I'm totally enchanted.
Delia: They're in there? They must live like animals.
Charles: It's locked. How'd they get in?
Delia: [bangs on the door] Open this door, you dead people, or we'll bust it down and we'll drag you out by the ropes you hang yourselves with!
Lydia: Shh! They didn't commit suicide.
Delia: It doesn't matter. Lydia, I have a chance to teach you something here: you have got to take the upper hand in all situations or people, whether they're dead or alive, will walk all over you.

Mina: I love you! Oh, God forgive me, I do!

Yuri: I present you… Kyrzran.
- You see that gray steeple over there?
- That is Yuri's warehouse.
Joyce: Looks like a church.
- Let's see what miracles it holds, yes?

Mina: [watching Lucy flirt with possible suitors at the party, voiceover] Lucy is a pure and virtuous girl. But, I admit that her free way of speaking shocks me sometimes. Jonathan says it is a defect of the aristocracy that they say what they please. The truth is that I admire Lucy, and I'm not surprised that men flock around her. I wish I were as pretty and as adored as she.

Mina: I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.
Dracula: Mina, to walk with me you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine.
Mina: You are my love... and my life, always.
Dracula: Then, I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth. Walk with me to be my loving wife, forever.

Kim: [approaches the neighbors] He's dead. The roof caved in on them. They killed each other. You can see for yourselves. See?
[Kim holds up a fake scissor hand]
Helen: [leaves with the others, sadly] I'm going home.

Lydia: [while eating Cantonese food] I plan to have a stroke from the amount of MSG that's in this food.

[Dracula has been slashed in the throat by Jonathan and impaled by Quincey]
Mina: [to Jonathan] When my time comes, will you do the same to me? Will you?
Jonathan: [pause] No.

Edward: Goodbye.
[Kim kisses Edward]
Kim: I love you.

Veronica: You know what I want, babe?
J.D.: What?
Veronica: Cool guys like you out of my life.

Melissa: Phoebe, were you ever in a sorority?
Phoebe: Of course. Yeah. I was a... Thigh Mega Tampon.
Melissa: What one?
Phoebe: Yeah, you know, we were really huge too. But then they had to shut us down when Regina Phalangie died of alcohol poisoning.

Veronica's: Will someone tell me why I smoke these damn things?
Veronica: Because you're an idiot.
Veronica's: Oh yeah, that's it.

Veronica: Dear Diary: Heather told me she teaches people "real life." She said, real life sucks losers dry. You want to fuck with the eagles, you have to learn to fly. I said, so, you teach people how to spread their wings and fly? She said, yes. I said, you're beautiful.

Melissa: This has been so great Ray Ray, here's my card.
Rachel: Oh wow, thanks. Oh, you're in real estate?
Melissa: Oh no, that's an old card. I wanted to get out of that and do something where I could really help people and make a difference.
Rachel: Wow, well what do you do now?
Melissa: I'm a party planner.

Mina: Take me away from all this death!

Kim: You're here... They didn't hurt you, did they?
[Edward shakes his head]
Kim: Were you scared? I tried to make Jim go back, but, you can't make Jim do anything. Thank you for not telling them that we...
Edward: You're welcome.
Kim: It must have been awful when they told you whose house it was.
Edward: I knew it was Jim's house.
Kim: You... you did?
Edward: Yes.
Kim: ...Well, then why'd you do it?
Edward: Because you asked me to.

Veronica: If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?
Heather McNamara the Cheerleader: Probably.

Mina: [looking at an illustration of a sexual act in the book "Arabian Nights"] Can a man and a woman really do... that?
Lucy: I did, only last night.
Mina: Fibber! You did not!
Lucy: Yes, I did!
[Mina gasps]
Lucy: Well, in my dreams!

Heather: Suicide is a private thing.
Veronica: You're throwing your life away to become a statistic on U. S. fucking A. Today; that's about the least private thing I can think of.

- You mean...
- You mean, people like Scott Clarke.
- That was a joke.
- Mm. [chuckles]
Joyce: What's that?
- Wait here.

J.D.: Is your life perfect?
Veronica: I'm on my way to a party at Remington University... No, my life's not perfect. I don't really like my friends.
J.D.: I... I don't really like your friends either.
Veronica: Well, it's just like - they're people I work with, and our job is being popular and shit.
J.D.: Maybe it's time to take a vacation.

Jonathan: [Jonathan enters the waiting room and nods to Mike] Yeah.
Mike: [Waking Dustin and Lucas] Guys, guys, he's up. Will's up, guys! Guys come on!
Mike: [Bursting into the hospital room] Byers!
Joyce: [Mike and Lucas pile on Will] Be careful. Be careful with him!
Dustin: Move!
[Yanks Mike and Lucas off Will to hug him]
Jonathan: Guys, guys, go easy on him.
Lucas: You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man.
Dustin: It was mental!
Lucas: You had a funeral...
Dustin: Jenniffer Hayes was crying...
Lucas: And Troy peed himself!
Will: What?
Dustin: In front of the whole school!
Mike: [Will coughs uncontrollably] You okay?
Will: It got me. The Demogorgon.
Mike: We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now.
Dustin: Her name's Eleven.
Will: Like the number?
Lucas: Well, we call her 'El' for short.
Dustin: She's basically a wizard.
Lucas: [whispering] She has superpowers.
Mike: More like a yoda.
Dustin: She flipped a van with her mind!
Mike: And it sailed over us!
[excited chatter continues]


Beetlejuice: You know, you look like somebody I can relate to. Maybe you could help me get out of here, you know, because I got to tell you, this dead thing... it's just too creepy. See, here's my problem. I got these friends I said I'd meet, and it's the kind of thing where I have to be there in person, so could you help me get out of here?
Lydia: I want to get in.
Beetlejuice: Why?... You know, hey, you probably got your reasons. I can't do anything from here. If you could get me out, then maybe we could talk or something.

Joyce: No... I... we're having electrical problems.

Lydia: Mr. and Mrs. Maitland? Hello? Where are you?
Beetlejuice: Dead. Dead, dead, deadski.
Lydia: Of course they're dead. They're ghosts.
Beetlejuice: No, I mean they're gone, split, out of here, afterlife kids, deceased...
Lydia: Are you a ghost, too?
Beetlejuice: I'm a ghost with the most, babe.

Beth: Perfect? I'm not perfect. I'm nothing.

[Mina's breakup letter to Dracula]
Mina: My Dearest Prince, Forgive me. I have received word from my fiance in Romania. I am en route to join him. We are to be married. I will never see you again. Mina

- You're... you're mom.
- Hold him down.
- No! No! Let go! No! No! Let me go! Let go!
- No, let me go!
Joyce: I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Let me go! Let go! Let me go!
- No! Let go! Let me go! Let me go!

Veronica: She's my best friend. God, I hate her.

Joyce: Maybe I am a mess. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm out of my mind! But, God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die if I think there's a chance that Will's still out there!

- Maybe he came home.
[Stammers] You think I didn't check my own house?
- I'm not saying that.
- Has this always been here?
Joyce: What? I don't know.
- Probably. I mean, I have two boys.
- Look at this place.
- You're not sure?

Joyce: Thank God!
- -[helicopters flying overhead]
- -[sobbing]

Yuri: [pretending to be someone else] Yuri was on sightseeing trip to see polar bears. And then bears got into plane and pull him out of cockpit and kill Yuri.
Joyce: No.
Yuri: Yeah. And he loved bears. They broke his heart. Or rather punctured it with their bear claws.

Murray: Wait, can you undress her?
Joyce: What?
Murray: The creepy doll. Can you remove her dress?
Joyce: I don't... Okay.
[undresses the doll]
Joyce: Jesus.
Murray: What?
Joyce: She has nipples.

Veronica: Heather, why can't you just be a friend? Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?
Heather: Because I can be.

[last lines]
Mina: [narrating] There, in the presence of God, I understood at last how love could release us all from the power of darkness. Our love is stronger than death.
Dracula: Give me peace.
Mina: [impales him with the sword, then kisses him, then beheads him]

Kim: [threatening Jim with Edward's scissors] STOP IT! Or I'll kill you myself!
Jim: [Jim slaps her and kicks her away] Bullshit!
Jim: [to Edward who is approaching Kim] Hey, I said stay away from her!

Veronica: How very.

Veronica: This may seem like a really stupid question...
J.D.: There *are* no stupid questions.
Veronica: You inherit 5 million dollars the same day aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow it up in 2 days. What do you do?
J.D.: That's the stupidest question I've ever heard.

Adam: You can see us without the sheets?
Lydia: Of course I can see you.
Adam: Well, how is it you see us and nobody else can?
Lydia: Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual". I myself am strange and unusual.
Barbara: You look like a regular girl to me.

Joyce: Anything?
[Hopper] No.
- This place is dead.
- All right, where to next?
Joyce: Hess Farm.

Adam: You've read our book?
Lydia: Yeah.
Adam: You can follow it?
Lydia: Yeah. Why were you guys creeping around in Delia's bedroom?
Adam: We were trying to scare your mother.
Lydia: Stepmother. Anyway, you can't scare her. She's sleeping with Prince Valium tonight.

Charles: As soon as we get settled, we'll build you a darkroom in the basement, okay?
Lydia: My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room.
Delia: So you were miserable in New York City, and now you're going to be miserable out here in the sticks. At least someone's life hasn't been upheaved.

Kim: [as Jim discusses a plan with her] But that's breaking and entering.
Jim: Look, my parents have insurance up the rear, okay? What'll it cost 'em? A little hassle? That's it. A week and my dad will have a new and better everything.
Kim: We can't.
Jim: Look, there's a guy who will give us cash for this stuff.
Kim: Jim, I don't want to.
Jim: What, you don't want us to have our own van like Denny's where we can be by ourselves whenever we'd like, huh? With a mattress in the back?
Kim: Why can't you just do it?
Jim: Because my father keeps the damn room locked. We need Edward to get us in.
Kim: Can't you take the key, like, when he's sleeping or something?
Jim: Look, you don't understand. The only thing he hangs on tighter to is his dick.
[Kim sighs]
Jim: Come on, Kim. Razor blades will do anything for you.
Kim: What do you mean? That's not true.
Jim: No? Why don't you ask him?
Kim: That's not fair.
Jim: What's fair got to do with it? There isn't any other way.
Kim: There's gotta be.
Jim: Look, I've wracked my brain. Do you want us to have our own van?
Kim: [reluctantly] Yeah.

[On the new house]
Lydia: Delia hates it.
[sees a HUGE spider on a web]
Lydia: I could live here.