The Best Heather Duke Quotes

Heather: [playing croquet] So what are you gonna do Heather? Take two shots or send me out?
Heather: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red.
[puts her croquet ball against Heather's and sends it flying]
Heather: Shit.
Heather: It's your turn, Heather.

Veronica: Heather, why can't you just be a friend? Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?
Heather: Because I can be.

Heather: It's your turn Heather.
Heather: No, Heather, it's Heather's turn. Heather?
Heather: Sorry Heather.

Heather: Veronica, why are you pulling my dick?

Heather: I prayed for the death of Heather Chandler many times and I felt bad everytime I did it but I kept doing it anyway. Now I know you understood everything. Praise Jesus, Hallelujah.

Student: Did you hear? School's canceled today cause Kurt & Ram killed themselves in a repressed, homosexual, suicide pact.
Heather: No Way!

Heather: Veronica, you look like hell.
Veronica: Yeah? I just got back.