The Best Lance Fenton Quotes

Ram: [after watching J.D. flirt with Veronica] Let's kick his ass!
Kurt: Shit, Ram - we're seniors, man. We're too old for that kind of crap. Let's give 'im a good scare, though.
[They walk to where J.D. is sitting]
Ram: [Sticking his fingers into J.D.'s lunch] You gonna eat this?
Kurt: What did your boyfriend say when you told 'im you were movin' to Sherwood, Ohio?
Ram: Answer him, dick!
Kurt: Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a "No Fags Allowed" rule?
J.D.: Well they, uh, seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?
Kurt: What did you say, dickhead?
J.D.: [He sighs, stands, and pulls out a gun] I'll repeat myself.
[He shoots Kurt and Ram]