50 Best Shannen Doherty Quotes

Kelly: Bren, we are in big trouble!
Brenda: Why?
Kelly: Donna is totally plastered!

Brandon: It was good to see you back at the Peach Pit tonight. I know it took a lot of courage.
Brenda: Brandon, please, I've had quite enough praise for a while.
Brandon: All right, you're a huge loser. How's that?
Brenda: Oh, much better.

Heather: I prayed for the death of Heather Chandler many times and I felt bad everytime I did it but I kept doing it anyway. Now I know you understood everything. Praise Jesus, Hallelujah.

Brenda: It's very French!
Donna: It's kind of mushy!

Brenda: You know how you feel about dancing, that's how he feels about the doctor.
Brandon: [to Dylan who is down the hall] Yo D! How's that cough?

Brenda: [talking to Dylan as he climbs on his motorcycle] I like your butt... I mean your bike.

Student: Did you hear? School's canceled today cause Kurt & Ram killed themselves in a repressed, homosexual, suicide pact.
Heather: No Way!

Brandon: Sure beats the first Christmas out here in California.
Cindy: What are you talking about? The first Christmas here was lovely.
Brandon: Talk about a selective memory!
Brenda: Really, mom have you completely forgotten what happened that year? We were in the middle of a heat wave and a drought, Brandon and Dad brought home that sick tree and you were incredibly homesick.

Brenda: Nobody move or I will fill you with lead!
[Walking down the stairs with her gun in costume]

Kelly: Brenda, try to understand how you mean to us, all right?
Dylan: I know this is hard for you, Bren. It's hard for all of us.
Brenda: [suddenly angry] Look, you made your choice Dylan, and I have to live with that, and I should have seen it coming. But I don't have to stand and listen to it anymore! I'm going home, okay?
Kelly: No, Brenda. We need to tell you something else.
Brenda: I don't want to hear it! I've heard enough!
Dylan: Well, you're gonna have to, Bren, 'cause neither one of us can stand to lie to you anymore.
Kelly: This summer, while you were in Paris...
Dylan: Look, I told you I was with a girl, right? Kelly was the girl.
Brenda: I though you guys were my friends. I loved you, I trusted you both!
Kelly: Brenda, please...
Dylan: We didn't plan this, Brenda.
Brenda: No, of course you didn't plan it, Dylan! You just let it happen! And you lied to me, both of you, for months and months! You know, when I broke up with you, you made it seem like Kelly was just some girl you picked to go out with. You made it seem so innocent like it was my fault!
Kelly: Neither of us wanted to hurt you.
Brenda: Well, you just did! You didn't seem to care about how I felt, Kelly!
Dylan: That's not true.
Brenda: Did you two sleep together while I was in Paris?
Kelly: [firmly] No!
Brenda: Why should I believe you?
Dylan: Because it's the truth!
Brenda: Why are you doing this to me?
Dylan: Because, we owe it to you, Bren. I mean, don't you think we all owe ourselves a little something more than this? I mean, we could start again from someplace a little more honest.
Brenda: Honesty? Is that was you think this is about, Dylan? Well's it's not! I don't think so. Look, I hate both of you! Never talk to me again!

Brenda: I have never seen Steve so...
Dylan: Happy?
Brenda: Right, since we moved here he has been after Kelly or chasing bimbos.

Kelly: Brenda, I'm a Spring Princess!
Brenda: Kelly, I don't give a damn!

Heather: Veronica, why are you pulling my dick?

Brenda: From what Brandon tells me; Andrea is getting pretty chummy with her dorm advisor!
[Brenda, Kelly and Donna look at her]
Andrea: Dan's a nice guy!
Brenda: That's it?
Andrea: Check back with me at the end of the semester!

Brenda: We abandoned Bobby when we left Minnesota.
Brandon: I got the feeling we abandoned a lot of people.

[Dylan is pouring himself a glass of scotch after an argument with his father]
Brenda: You don't drink, do you?
Dylan: Only at family reunions.

Brenda: [as Laverne in the Peach Pit] Brenda couldnt make it, I'm Laverne I'll be taking her shift.

Brenda: Nobody knows me here! I could be anybody. I could be somebody!
Brandon: Like what, Homecoming Queen?

Brenda: Mom, Emily Valentine has stepped way over the line, I mean this isn't about a broken heart this about a fatal attraction.
Brandon: How did Michael Douglas handle it?
Brenda: Not very well!

Cindy: Brenda, we are not judging you. We just want you to be honest with us. Tell us what is going on with you.
Brenda: All right. For a brief while I thought I was pregnant. That's why I bought this home pregnancy test. My period was late so I bought this on a hunch that I might be pregnant. But I'm not pregnant because I really was just late and everything is fine now.
Jim: [stammering] Well... did you do something that made you think that you were pregnant?
Brenda: You mean, did I have sex?
Jim: Yes... something like that.
Brenda: Yes, of course.

Brenda: It was gonna be a romantic weekend with Stuart. I ended up seeing a side of him I had never seen before. Remember when we went to Baja and I made that little mistake?
Dylan: "Little" mistake? Bren, you lost your passport. We were stuck at the border for three hours.
Brenda: But no matter how bad things got, you were so understanding. We were able to put it behind us. Even laugh about it. We ended up having a great time.
Dylan: [chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, we did.

Heather: [playing croquet] So what are you gonna do Heather? Take two shots or send me out?
Heather: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red.
[puts her croquet ball against Heather's and sends it flying]
Heather: Shit.
Heather: It's your turn, Heather.

Heather: It's your turn Heather.
Heather: No, Heather, it's Heather's turn. Heather?
Heather: Sorry Heather.

Brenda: Brandon, I need to talk to you.
Brandon: Not now. Me and Andrea are about to put the paper to sleep for today.
Brenda: It's important!
Brandon: OK, what is it?
Brenda: It's Dylan. He's missed school again today. This is the third time in a row this week he's cut school. He told me that his zen freak mother is driving him crazy with her antics and hippy lifestyle.
Brandon: I already told you that it's his problem, not yours. Stay out of it.
Andrea: Brenda, where does Dylan go when he cuts school?
Brenda: I don't know. He won't tell me. All that I know is that he gets drunk nearly every evening.
Andrea: Is his mother really that bad?
Brenda: [in unison with Brandon] Yes!
Brandon: [in unison with Brenda] No!
Brenda: Oh, come on Brandon! She's a total space case. You've met her. You know what I'm talking about. Even Dad agrees with me.
Brandon: So, she's little flaky! Big deal!
Brenda: A little flaky? Do you know where she took our mother today? To a mind gym.
[Andrea gives a look trying to hide a smile... which quickly turns into a soft giggle, while Brandon looks perplexed]
Brandon: A mind gym? What's a mind gym?

Heather: Veronica, you look like hell.
Veronica: Yeah? I just got back.

Andrea: Hey, look who I found!
[She and Brenda walk out to the patio]
Brandon: Still wearing her colors!
Brenda: Came straight from the beach club!
Brandon: Did Henry give you a little farewell bonus?

Jim: [about Brenda's impending lumpectomy] It's probably noting. It could just be an ingrown hair.
Brenda: An ingrown hair? On my left breast? That's exactly the kind of response that I'd expect from Brandon.
Brandon: Response about what?
Brenda: Nothing.

[watching Donna smoke in a parking lot with some punk students]
Brenda: I don't believe this. Look at Donna. First she's ditching class, now she lighting up in the parking lot? What's gotten into her?
Dylan: I don't think, "What's gotten into her?" I think what she's getting into.
Kelly: Trouble.

Brenda: You know what else you are?
Brandon: Now, Bren, if you can't say something nice...
Brenda: Seriously, Brandon...
Brandon: Okay, Bren, what else am I?
Brenda: No matter how crazed and bent out of shape I ever got, you were always there for me and I'll never forget it. You really are my best friend.
Brandon: And I hope I always will be.

Brenda: Dylan, do you want a piece of pie?
[Dylan looks at the pie and then looks at Sears, who is badgering Kelly. Dylan picks up the pie and smears it on John Sears' face]
Dylan: Want some?
[enraged, Sears charges at Dylan, but other guys grab him. While he is pulled away, he yells threats, but Dylan is unimpressed]

Donna: [Donna, Kelly, Andrea and Brenda open their sorority letters] Alpha House!
Andrea: Alpha!
Brenda: Alpha!
Kelly: Alpha!
Brenda: Now I remember why I did this with you guys!

Amanda: Why don't you tell us the "real" first time you had sex?
Kelly: That was the first time, with me and Steve.
Amanda: Oh really? Whatever happened to Ross Webber?
Brenda: Who's Ross Webber?
Kelly: All right, I'll tell you. Ross Webber was this godly stud on the football team, who I had a hopeless crush on in the 9th grade. Anyway, I was working the whole year at getting close to him. I started hanging out with the JV cheerleaders, going to all the games, just tagging along wherever he was going to be. And one night after some game, everbody was getting drunk, except me, and a bunch of us drove up to Mulholland. When we got there, Ross says he wants to take me to his favorite spot in the woods. I'm so stupid for I said, "wow, that would be a neat thing to do." But of course, when we get there all he wants to do is have sex. He kept saying, "come on Kel, I know you want it. I know you want it Kelly." And I did... but not on the ground. He didn't even bring a blanket. But it was over pretty quick and after that he took me home... and never talked to me again. This that what you had in mind?

Kelly: [Reading her Senior Will] Bren, forget it, you cannot leave me the double date from hell and not tell me what their names are!
Brenda: Okay, I'll give you a hint; Wayne and...
Kelly: Adam!

Brenda: Everyone hear looks like they stepped out of a music video. I don't even have the right hair.

Brenda: I know making Dylan choose between me and Kelly seemed like bizarre thing to do. But I never thought it was a contest. I never thought that I would lose.

Brenda: I'm Brenda Walsh, I'm studying prelaw, premed and premenstral, I'm not really sure which one.

Jim: Tell me more about Tony Miller!
Brenda: What's there to tell dad; he's a guy, he's a jock, he asked!

Brandon: I didn't tell her about the menu.
Brenda: What about the menu?
Nat: Starting tonight, the Peach Pit will offer a new selection.
[Pulls out a placard with Brenda's picture on it]
Nat: Laverne's Honey Pie!
Brenda: Oh Nat!

Brenda: [Dylan storms by] Dylan where are you going?
Dylan: [walking down the hall annoyed] Anywhere but here!

Brenda: [into the phone] That's right. At 10:00 exactly, you walk out.
Kelly: [into the phone] Listen, I'm sure you've heard about what's happening to Donna Martin...
David: [into the phone] All you got to do is get up from whatever exam you're taking and walk out the door...
Steve: [into the phone] No, you don't need a note from your mother...
Andrea: [into the phone] Everyone's going to be doing it, and you don't want to be left there all alone.
Brandon: [into the phone] See you tomorrow, cool. Bye.

Cindy: What exactly did Brandon say?
Brenda: He said goodbye, he said that he loved you, and not to worry.

Donna: Nat, what would you leave me?
Nat: That singing group that came in here to serenade you.
David: Color Me Badd!
Brenda: What about me Nat?
Nat: Oh that one is easy,
Nat: Laverne!
David: Wait a minute, who's Laverne?
Steve: She's that crazy chick who used to work for Nat!

Jake: I'm Jake Hanson.
Brenda: Brenda Walsh. Dylan told me that you taught him how to surf.
Dylan: How to surf. How to ride a motorcycle.
Jake: How to pick up girls.
Brenda: Well, fortunately he's unlearned a few of those lessons.
Dylan: So, where are you living these days, man?
Jake: Oh, just a little place off Melrose. Nothing special.

Brandon: How did you get here?
[Brenda has awakened him and he is surprised to see her]
Brenda: I walked. Now can you please get your stuff out of my room.
Jim: [Jim and Cindy enter his room] Brenda?
Brenda: Hi!
[Still sitting at the foot of Brandon's bed]
Jim: What are you doing here?
Cindy: You're supposed to be in school!
Jim: In Minnesota!
Brenda: [Looking nervously at her parents] I dropped out.

Brenda: I think we're going to need a raise in our allowance.
Brandon: Yeah.

Mr. Ridley: Choose your seat with care as the person sitting next to you will be your lab partner for the rest of the semester.
[an overweight girl looks for a partner. Students try to avoid her. She approaches Kelly]
Kelly: Sorry, it's taken!
Overweight: By who?
Kelly: By that girl.
[Kelly points at Brenda who is entering the class]
Kelly: Over here, I saved you a seat.
Brenda: Look, I think that you have me confused with somebody else.
Kelly: That's okay. I'm being friendly.
Brenda: Thanks. My name's Brenda.
Kelly: I'm Kelly.
Brenda: Hi.
Kelly: Are you smart?
Brenda: Sort of.
Kelly: [smiles] Great. This class can be a real bitch. I need all the help I can get.

Veronica: Heather, why can't you just be a friend? Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?
Heather: Because I can be.

Brenda: Dylan, Kelly and I have been talking.
Dylan: Always a dangerous trend!

Brenda: I've got to get control of my own destiny!

Donna: You're gonna do what?
Brenda: I'm gonna show him around Paris, that's all.
Maggie: Masquerading as a native Parisian? You?
Brenda: Yes, me. I had him completely fooled for over an hour today. I was great, if I do say so myself.
Donna: Bren, one or two hours is one thing, but all day? How are you ever going to pull that off?
Brenda: I just talk like zees, and he sinks that I'm from Paree!
Maggie: Yeah? Why don't you offer to sell him the Brooklyn Bridge? Or better yet, Le Pont Neuf? Maybe you can make a few bucks while you're at it.
Donna: Why don't you just tell him the truth?
Brenda: Because it's fun. And, I've gone too far to go back now. Besides, he might get pretty mad at me.
Donna: So? What if he does?
Brenda: Donna, he's a really nice guy. I mean, he's easygoing. He's fun. And, he's gonna be a writer.
Maggie: [lights a cigarette and blows smoke while talking] And you're just helping him gather material, right?
Donna: Must you do that in here, Maggie?
[Brenda pulls out a cigarette of her own and lights it as well]
Donna: Brenda!
Brenda: Donna, when in Rome... or when in Paris.
Donna: Can we get out of here and get something to eat before I completely lose my appetite?