The Best Mitchell Yaeger Quotes

Sydney: Ask yourself, "Would you betray someone you love?"
Counter: Well I guess we have an answer to the intimacy question.

Sydney: What is this about? I'd appreciate a little context here. You haven't even given me your name.
Counter: I'm Mitchell Yeager, I'm counter-intelligence threat analyst. That should give you a little context. I've been sent here to investigate Michael Vaughn. It's come to our attention that over the past three months, Mr. Vaughn has been in contact with a number of unapproved foreign operatives. He's also actively pursued contact with Mr. Pograski, who happens to be a former KGB assassin known to have ties with at least three terrorist organizations.

Sydney: Listen to me, there is not a chance that he is a traitor, that he would be collaborating with an enemy.
Counter: You know, I knew your mother. About twenty years ago, met her with your father. We used to go to a lot of these agency functions, you know. She was, uh, charming. Very disarming woman... who wasn't what she seemed.