The Best Mr. Bryant Quotes

Mr. Bryant: [Joe enters Mr. Bryant's garage] Yes, sir, can I help you?
Joe: Maybe. My name is Joe Mannix. I'm a private investigator.
Mr. Bryant: Something wrong?
Joe: Well, I'm looking for a Lee Thomas.
Mr. Bryant: So am I. He's gone.
Joe: When was the last time you saw him?
Mr. Bryant: Oh, 4:00 yesterday afternoon. He left for the park. Crazy about baseball. He manages a kid's team.
Joe: What else can you tell me about him?
Mr. Bryant: Why? Is he in trouble?
Joe: I won't really know until I find him.
Mr. Bryant: Well, I can't really tell you much, Mr. Mannix. He's pleasant, but kind of quiet, and he never talked much about himself.
Joe: How long has he worked for you?
Mr. Bryant: Oh, seven or eight months. Good mechanic, great hands.
Joe: Any idea where he's from?
Mr. Bryant: No. But he never gave me a minute's trouble. He did his work, never watched a clock. I can't pay him what he's worth, but I let him sleep upstairs. There's a room and bath up there.
Joe: Did he have a girlfriend?
Mr. Bryant: [thinks for a second] Uh, not that I know of.
Joe: I wonder if I might borrow a wrench or some tool that might have his fingerprints on it.
Mr. Bryant: Why?
Joe: Well, Lee Thomas didn't exist up until eight months ago. That's when they issued his Social Security number.
Mr. Bryant: You figured he changed his name, huh?
Joe: It looks that way. Well, if his prints are on file, we'll find him, and if I can put a name to him, maybe I can help him.
Mr. Bryant: Well, his toolbox is over there on the bench.
Joe: [walks over to the tool box] This one?
Mr. Bryant: Yeah, that's the one.
[Joe opens the box and looks inside, he then takes out his handkerchief and pulls out a wrech]