The Best Mrs. D'Amico Quotes

Chris: What the hell, Mom? Did you delete the news off the DVR?
Mrs. D'Amico: Yes. Yes I did, Christopher.
Chris: That was the one with Kick-Ass!
Mrs. D'Amico: Ugh, Christopher! You've got to stop obsessing over this superhero!
Chris: He is not a superhero, Mom. He's a murderer! He blew Dad up with a bazooka, for fuck's sake!
Mrs. D'Amico: [making sign of the cross] Your father died in a fire.
Chris: A fire! What is your problem?
Mrs. D'Amico: You! You are my problem! I am trying to raise you to be a normal boy. That's why we moved to Long Island after your father's accident.
Chris: A bazooka is not an accident, you delusional bitch!