The Best Nick Quotes

Nick: I don't think about that much with one shot anymore, Mike.
Michael: You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it's all about. A deer's gotta be taken with one shot.

Nick: I'm thinking about the deer. Going to 'Nam. I like the trees, you know? I like the way that the trees are on mountains, all the different... the way the trees are.

Michael: We gotta play with more bullets.
Nick: What?
Michael: More bullets...
Michael: I gotta get more bullets in the gun.
Nick: What?
Michael: We gotta play with more bullets.
Nick: More bullets in the gun?
Michael: More bullets in the gun.
Nick: How many more bullets?
Michael: Three. That means we gotta play each other.
Nick: More bullets against each other?
Michael: We gotta do it!
Nick: What? Are you crazy?
Nick: Nicky, it's the only way. I'll pick the moment. The game goes until I move. When I start shootin', go for the nearest guard, get his gun, and zap the fucker!
Nick: I'm not ready for this!
Michael: You gotta listen to me... You wanna stay down here and die? Go on. It's up to you. Now it's up to you.
Michael: Hey! Him against me! Side by side! Side by side!
Nick: Get away! Get away!
Michael: Side by side! Me and him! Me against him!

Army: Chevotarevich, is that a Russian name?
Nick: No, it's an American name.

Michael: Nicky, do you remember the trees? Remember all the different ways of the trees? Remember that? Remember? Huh? The mountains? Do you remember all that?
Nick: One shot?
Michael: One shot! One shot.
Nick: [Smiles] Yeah.

Michael: Sh*t! I must be outta my f*ckin' mind! I must be outta my mind. Everything's going so fast. Man, oh man. Hey, Nick, do you think we'll ever come back?
Nick: From 'Nam?
Michael: Yeah.
Nick: You know something, the whole thing, it's right here. I love this f*ckin' place. I know that sounds crazy. If anything happens, Mike, don't leave, don't leave me over there. You got, you gotta, hey, just don't leave me. You gotta promise me that, Mike. No, man, you gotta, you gotta promise, definitely.
Michael: Hey, Nick, you got it, man.

Stan: Where the hell's my boots? Anybody seen my boots? Somebody took my boots. I bought 'em special. All right. All right, you guys. Whoever took my boots, I want 'em back.
Axel: I got a boot for you, Stan, right up your ass.
[jokingly throws a kick near his rear to which he responds by playfully pointing his gun at him]
Axel: Hey, Mike. Hey, Mike, let me borrow your spares, huh? Your extra pair?
Michael: No, Stan.
Stan: [taken aback] No? What do you mean, "No?"
Michael: Just what I said. No. "No" means no.
Stan: [getting upset] Some fuckin' friend. You're some fuckin' friend, you know that?
Michael: You gotta learn, Stanley. Every time you come up here, you got your goddamn head up your ass.
Axel: Maybe he likes the view from up there, huh?
[the group laughs at him]
Michael: Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, he's got no jacket, he's got no pants, he's got no boots. All he's got is that stupid gun he carries around like John Wayne. That ain't gonna help ya.
Axel: Oh, what the hell, Mike. Give him the boots.
Michael: No way. I ain't giving him no boots no more. No more. That's it.
Stan: You're a fuckin' bastard, you know that? Huh?
Michael: [holds up a live round] Stanley, see this? This is this. This ain't somethin' else. This is *this.* From now on, you're on your own.
Stan: [appalled, angry] I fixed you up a million times!
[to the group]
Stan: I fixed him up a million times! I don't know how many times I must have fixed him up with girls! And nothin' ever happens! Zero! Hey, you know your trouble, Mike? Huh? Nobody ever knows what the fuck you're talking about. Huh? "This is this!" What the hell is that supposed to mean? "This is this!" I mean, is that some faggot-sounding bullshit or is that some faggot-sounding bullshit?
Nick: Shut up, Stan, will ya?
[Stan shoves him]
Nick: Hey, man, you're outta line.
Michael: Watch out with that gun, Stan.
[more strictly]
Michael: Watch out with the gun.
Stan: [yelling] There's times - do you know what I think? There's times I swear I think you're a fuckin' faggot!
John: Hey! Come on, you guys!
[Michael smirks in amusement]
Stan: Last week - last week, he could've had that new redheaded waitress down at the Bowladrome. He could've had it knocked and look what he did. Look what he fuckin' did. Nothin', that's what.
John: Shut up, Stan. Huh? Would ya SHUT UP? Just shut up. Just take - take Michael's goddamn boots and SHUT UP!
[takes the laced boots and places them on Stan's shoulder]
John: Otherwise, I'm goin' home!
Michael: [Stan starts to walk away with Mike's boots] Hey, Stosh.
[Stan turns to look at him]
Michael: I said, "No."
Stan: What, are you gonna shoot me? Huh? Here...
[opens a gap in his shirt to make a target for him, Mike just stands there staring at him; knowing this will go nowhere, Stan takes the boots and throws them aggressively at Mike, walking away]
Nick: [walks over, picks up the boots, says to Mike:] What's the matter with you?
[walks over to Stan]
Nick: Stan.
[gives him back the boots]
Axel: [Mike puts the live round into his rifle, takes aim and vents his anger by firing it out into the woods, then looks at the group to see their bewildered reactions]

Bar: Okay, what you like to call me now? What you like to call me?
Nick: Linda.

Nick: I sound like some asshole, right?
Michael: I tell you, Nick, you're the only guy I go hunting with, you know. I like a guy with quick moves and speed. I ain't gonna hunt with no assholes.
Nick: Well, who's an asshole?
Michael: Who's an asshole? Who do you think is an asshole? They're all a bunch of assholes. I mean, I love 'em, they're great guys, but, you know, without you, I hunt alone. Seriously, that's what I'd do.
Nick: You're a f*ckin' nut! You know that, Mike? You're a maniac. A control freak.
Michael: I just don't like no surprises.

Nick: You got the wrong guy, ace!

Nick: Did you hear about the happy Roman?
Man: Yeah.
Nick: He was "glad he ate her."

Axel: Lemme ask you a question: how come I never see you eat?
Nick: I like to starve myself. It keeps the fear up.

Nick: You trying to look like a prince?
Michael: What do you mean, "trying?"

Michael: I'll tell ya one thing, if I find out my life had to end up being in the mountains, it'd be all right, but it has to be in your mind.
Nick: What? One shot?
Michael: Two is pussy.