The Best Steven Quotes

[last lines]
Michael: Here's to Nick.
Steven: [whispering] To Nick.
[All]: To Nick.

Angela: [Last lines] It's been such a gray day.
John: [Humming] Mm-Mm-Mm-Mm-Mm-Mm
John: Stand beside her and guide her. La-la-dee da-da-da...
Angela: [singing] God bless America, land that I love.
Angela,11274: Stand beside her and guide her / Through the night with a light from above. / From the mountains, to the prairies / To the oceans white with foam. / God bless America, my home sweet home. / God bless America, my home sweet home.
Michael: Here's to Nick!
Steven: To Nick!
Angela,11274: To Nick!

Steven: You get a deer?
Michael: Nah, man.
Steven: C'maaan! You didn't get a DEE-E-EAH?

Steven: Where is a guy like Nick gettin' money like this?
Michael: I don't know. Cards maybe. Listen, Steven, I'm gonna take you home.
Steven: [Resisting] Aw, sh*t, Mike, you promised me. Come on. I don't fit. Look! Hey!
Michael: I'm gonna take you home.
Steven: Man, look, you promised me man. I don't fit! Mike, I'll - hey. I'm sorry. You do as your heart tells you.