The Best Nima Quotes

Lama: Do not believe in something simply because you have heard it, Nima.
Nima: But great Lama, Tenzin is my brother. He works inside the tunnel, where the ships are built. But where is in your wisdom, great Lama, if Tenzin is right... what if our world is indeed coming to an end?
[Rinpoche responds by pouring tea into Tenzin's cup, causing it to overflow]
Nima: It is full, great Rinpoche.
[after a moment, Rinpoche stops]
Lama: Like this cup, you are full of opinions and speculations. To see the light of wisdom... you first must empty your cup.
[Tosses Nima the truck's keys]
Lama: Be careful with the clutch... it tends to slip.