The Best Chin Han Quotes

Shang: [Nitara appears before Mileena, Reiko, and Kabal] The great hunter, Nitara. She is beautiful, isn't she?
Kabal: Yeah, that screech is a real turn-on.


Shang: No matter how many of my people you put in the ground, there will always be another to take their place. Today you have killed my warriors and you think you have won. But death is only another portal.

Shang: The prophecy is upon us which means we could lose the tenth tournament.
Sub: There is no prophecy. Hanzo is a ghost. I killed him centuries ago.
Shang: Winning Mortal Kombat cannot be left to chance. There will be no tournament because there will be no opposition left to fight. We will already be victorious. Go now and kill Earthrealm's champions... Bi-Han.
Sub: I am no longer Bi-Han. I am Sub-Zero.

Shang: Take whatever trophies you desire, but their souls are mine.

Jake: Sir, I lost my focus. It won't happen again.
Commander: No, it won't. You're grounded until further notice.
Jake: Can I still watch TV, or...

Mileena: Sub-Zero tracked and killed another one of Earth's champions, but another has escaped.
Shang: Have our assassins double their efforts.
Mileena: What of Lord Raiden? If he discovers we're breaking rules set in stone by the Elder Gods...
Shang: Leave the Elder Gods to me. We didn't win nine straight tournaments by following the rules. Mileena, let's finish this. Send in the reptilian, Syzoth.

Shang: My loyal warriors! Kabal... General Reiko... I have seen the so-called champions of Earthrealm and they're no match for all of you. We are on the precipice of victory and taking Earthrealm forever, but we must strike now. Raiden has prevented entry into his temple. I must find a way to bring his shield down in order to obliterate our opposition.
Kabal: I think I can help. Did you see a guy down there? Complete fuckin' asshole; answers to Kano.
Shang: Kano?
Kabal: Yeah, he's the reason I live in an iron lung. He's a low-life piece of shit scumbag... you're gonna love him.

[Outside the gates of the ark docks]
Kate: You don't have to save us, but please, just take my kids!
Tenzin: Why should I do that?
Jackson: The same reason you let in your family.

Sun: They say the French and Americans have a cure. They're manufacturing it in secret. WHO knows, but they're in bed with the Americans.
Dr. Leonora Orantes: Who says?
Sun: The Internet.

Shang: Your soul is mine!