The Best Nita Talbot Quotes

Mrs. Sheila Fine: Yes, Mr. Franklin, I knew Peter Campbell.
Mr. Franklin: And how did you know him?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Lying down.

Marya: Do not salute me, Hogan. Kiss me.

Marya: Klink, darling, I have come back to you.
Col. Klink: To me?

Marya: Who cares about rocket fuel? They're not bombing Moscow with their rockets, just London.
Col. Hogan: Then what were you after?
Marya: We cannot trust Hitler to shoot all his own generals. Some, we must take care of ourselves.

Marcia: I just can't believe it. We were so close. Of course, in a lot of ways, you know, we were far apart.
Lt. Columbo: How is that?
Marcia: I mean, I've always been inner-directed, and she was other-directed. You know what I mean?
Lt. Columbo: No, not really.
Marcia: I'm career-oriented. Sharon was motivated by other's wishes. Do you understand?
Lt. Columbo: No.
Marcia: I have personal, selfish goals, and Sharon was devoted to humanity. Do you follow?
Lt. Columbo: Uh, well, I'm beginning to get some of the drift of it. You were both nurses. Is that right?
Marcia: Yes. But Sharon always was devoted to healing. She always worked in hospitals. Myself, I work in Beverly Hills for a plastic surgeon, because I selfishly enjoy being with middle to upper-middle-class people. However, I don't meet any single men unless they're ready for face lifts.

Remington: In matters of this nature, Miss Mellish, I find it advisable for subjects to focus on the initial stages of their narrative and then to proceed accordingly.
Shirley: [to Laura] What did he say?
Laura: He means,"start at the beginning."

Col. Hogan: What am I supposed to do with the rocket after I get it?
Marya: Fly it off to Moscow.
Col. Hogan: London.
Marya: Moscow.
Col. Hogan: London.
Marya: We shall flip for it, agreed?

[last lines]
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Berlin is calling every minute. "What happened to the Duke of York?" NOTHING IS WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DUKE OF YORK!
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Bad scene, Major.
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Hogan, I will not go down alone. If my head is to roll, all heads will roll.
Col. Wilhelm Klink: Except, Major, I quite clearly had no part in this whole affair. Therefore...
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: All heads will roll!
Col. Wilhelm Klink: All heads will roll, that's quite democratic.
Marya: Poor Putzie. So handsome and so unlucky.
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Traitors, all of you. I fully intend... Hogan, why are you so composed?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Well, it's obvious, Major. You've already figured how to turn this to your advantage.
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: I have?
Col. Wilhelm Klink: He has?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Of course. The ultimate weapon didn't quite work out. But the Major has a plan to cripple the entire Russian rocket program.
Col. Wilhelm Klink: He has?
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Go on, Hogan.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: You're pulling my leg. You're not arranging right now for Zagoskin to escape to Russia? Of course you are. He'll do for them what he's done for you. That's worthy of Himmler himself, Major.
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Hogan, I...
Marya: Major Hochstetter is a genius, Putzie. He has saved us all.
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Ja, I believe I have.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: You're still going to send me home, aren't you?
Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Of course not. Take him away, Klink. Back to Stalag 13.
Col. Wilhelm Klink: Schultz, take him away.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Cruel, sir, cruel.
Marya: Sensational.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Adequate.

Marya: Kiss me first, then tell me how clever I am.

Col. Hogan: But you might defect.
Count: You could get me out of Germany?
Col. Hogan: It's possible.
Count: But I would be branded. They would consider me the lead of the spy ring I was sent to catch. They would take vengeance on my wife.
Marya: You love her that much, Waffie?
Count: I will defect.

Mr. Franklin: State your name and address, please.
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Sheila Fine. 5093 Rockridge Road... but call first!
Mr. Franklin: Mrs. Fine, did you know Peter Campbell, the deceased?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Did I know him?
[to judge]
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Do you know what this jerk did to my life? He comes into my house where I'm sitting with my husband, and he says I have to testify since I was having an affair with Peter Campbell! My husband called his lawyer, grabbed his girlfriend, and flew to Acapulco. I hope a taco chip gets caught in his throat and he chokes to death!