The Best Principal Quotes

Principal: I appreciate you coming down here, Mrs. Parr.
[Mrs. Parr looks at Dash]
Helen: What is this about? Has Dash done something wrong?
Bernie: He's a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class.
Dash: He says.
Bernie: [to Dash] Look, I know it's you!
[to Helen]
Bernie: He puts thumbtacks on my stool.
Helen: You saw him do this?
Bernie: Well, not real... No, actually not.
Helen: Then, how do you know it was him?
Bernie: I hid a camera.
[has the videotape, Dash gasps and looks at Helen, glaring at him]
Bernie: And this time I got him.
[Plays the videotape of Bernie goes back into the chair. Dash puts a tack on his chair while he's sitting down. Bernie screams and students laugh]
Bernie: See? You see?
[Helen, Dash and Principal squinting their eyes, while Bernie rolls his eyes]
Bernie: What, you don't see it?
[groans, rewinds the tape]
Bernie: He moves! Right there! Wait, wait... Right there! Right as I'm sitting down! I don't know, I don't know how he does it. But, there's no tack on my stool before he moves and after he moves, there's a tack! Coincidence? I think not!
Principal: Uh... Bernie?
Bernie: Don't "Bernie" me! This little rat is guilty!
Principal: You and your son may go now, Mrs. Parr. I'm sorry for the trouble.
[Helen and Dash leaving the Principal's Office, Bernie is in clear shocked]
Bernie: You're letting him go again? He's guilty! You can see it in his smug little face. Guilty, I say! Guilty! Guilty! No!