The Best Professor Severus Snape Quotes

Severus: Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?
Albus: Whether it has or it hasn't is irrelevant; you gave me your word.

Professor: That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me, are you incapable of restraining yourself, or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?
Ron: He's got a point, you know.

Professor: Turn to page 394.

Professor: Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk... in the moonlight, are we?

Severus: [Snape has just walked in on Harry and Cormac. Harry attempts to run away] Not... so fast, Potter.
Harry: Sorry, sir, but I really should be getting back to the party. My date...
Severus: Can surely survive another minute without you. Besides, I only wish to convey a message.

Professor: Why you insolent, little...
Professor: ...Professor.

Cormac: [eats one ting of Dragon Tartare, curiously] What is this I'm eating, by the way?
Harry: Dragon balls.
[Cormac looks at Harry with dread on his face just as Snape finds him and Harry, Cormac then vomits all over Snape's shoes]
Severus: [after a pause] You've just brought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen.

Professor: Expelliarmus! Ah, vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you.
[to Lupin]
Professor: I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend enter the castle and now here's the proof.
Sirius: Brilliant, Snape - once again you've put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to.
Professor: [raises his wand at Black] Give me a reason. I beg you.
Professor: Severus, don't be a fool...
Sirius: He can't help it. It's habit by now.
Professor: Sirius, be quiet!
Sirius: Be quiet yourself, Remus!
Professor: Listen to you two, quarrelling like an old married couple.
Sirius: Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?
Professor: [puts his wand to Black's throat] I could do it, you know... But why deny the Dementors? They're so longing to see you.
[Sirius trembles]
Professor: Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah, yes. The Dementor's Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best.

Narcissa: I know I'm not to be here. The Dark Lord himself forbid me to speak of this...
Severus: If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you are not to speak...
[Snape turns to Bellatrix fooling around with his things]
Severus: Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours.
[to Narcissa]
Severus: As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation.
Bellatrix: You? The Dark Lord told you?
Severus: Your sister doubts me. Over the years I've played my part well, so well I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.
Bellatrix: [Snarling] Huh!
Severus: Dumbledore *is* a great wizard. Only a fool would question it.
Narcissa: I don't doubt you Severus.
Bellatrix: [Walking around] You should be honored Cissy, as should Draco.
Narcissa: ...He's just a boy.
Severus: I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco.
Narcissa: [Getting up] Severus...
Bellatrix: Swear to it... make the Unbreakable Vow.
[Walking over to Snape]
Bellatrix: It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort, when it maters most. He'll just slither back into his hole... coward.
Severus: [coldly] Take-out-your-wand.
[Cut to Snape and Narcissa clasping hands, as Bellatrix circles them, holding her wand]
Bellatrix: Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?
Severus: I will.
Bellatrix: And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?
Severus: I will.
Bellatrix: And, if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?
Severus: I will.

Professor: [taps the blank Marauder's Map with his wand] Reveal your secrets.
[writing appears on the map]
Professor: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and... "
Professor: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."

Harry: Incarcerous!
[Snape blocks the curse]
Harry: Fight back!, you coward! Fight back!
[Bellatrix shoots a curse at Harry]
Severus: No! He belongs to the Dark Lord!
Harry: Sectumsempra!
[Snape blocks the curse again, throwing Harry onto his back]
Severus: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes. I'm the Half Blood Prince.