The Best Rebel Prisoner Quotes

Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: I don't mean no disrespect to you fighting men, but sometimes I can't help but figure... why you fightin' this war?
Rebel: Why are you?
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: To free the slaves, of course. And preserve the Union.
Rebel: I don't know about other folk, but I ain't fighting for no darkies one way or the other. I'm fightin' for my rights. All of us here, that's what we're fighting for rights.
[pronounces it 'rahts']
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: Your what?
Rebel: For our rights. The right to live my life like I see fit. Why can't you just live the way you want to live, and let us live the way we do? Live and let live, I hear some folks say. Be lot less fuss and bother if more folks took it to heart.
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: Where'd you get captured?
Rebel: From a cut just west of Gettysburg town. Wasn't a pretty sight. Many a good boy lost a young and promising life. Some wore blue and some wore gray. Seen enough of this war?
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: I guess I have.
Rebel: I guess I have too. Looks like I'm gonna be sittiing out the rest of it.
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: Well, I appreciate you talking to me.
Rebel: [salutes] See you in hell, Billy Yank.
Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: [salutes] See you in hell, Johnny Reb.