The Best Robert Lindsey Quotes

NSC: Where's Sydney Bristow? You covered for her once, and it cost you your job. Do it again, this cell will be your home for the next 10 years.
Marcus: My lawyer's name is Shelly Bird.
NSC: Your only play here is to tell where Sydney Bristow is and who broke her out. Was it her father?
Marcus: What I know here is that sending agents to arrest me in front of my children is one of the last mistakes you'll ever make as Senior Director of the NSC. I've known men like you. Men who pretend to be patriots. You are always revealed.

NSC: Who the hell do you think you are?
Sydney: I'm the person who's going to hold you accountable if they kill him!
NSC: Oh, you're going to hold me responsible?
Sydney: Did I stutter?

Lauren: But Sydney's made it very clear she doesn't remember anything.
NSC: But when we searched her flat in Rome, we found a coded message taped to the underside of her desk. Now, if she can decode that message, it may help us infiltrate or even take down the Covenant.
Lauren: What if she doesn't recognize the code?
NSC: As long as she demonstrates a willingness to cooperate, that surgery will be nothing more than a threat.

Arvin: What guarantee do I have that this isn't some form of entrapment?
NSC: Because I know what you're up to, Mr. Sloane. I can see your big picture. I know your endgame. I even have proof.

NSC: The Covenant doesn't want anyone to know they're behind the assassination.
Lauren: And your source believes their reach extends so far within the Russian government that they can make that happen.
NSC: You leave tonight. Any leak, and our source could be compromised and killed. That means no one at the CIA can know about this, including your husband.

NSC: I plan on making the trade. During the exchange, I want Sydney Bristow taken out.
Arvin: Ah, I see. She has something on you.

Lauren: No, I'm sorry, but if I'm going to chronicle our treatment of Sydney Bristow, I need to see how she's being treated.
NSC: How do you suppose it was that Sydney Bristow knew to flee the country before she was even aware the NSC wanted to take her into custody?

NSC: If you're finished, this is the men's room.
Sydney: Who let you in?

Sydney: Without even knowing why these people want Sark, how can we even consider this?
NSC: We think we know why they want him. They want him so they can kill him.