The Best Sam Strike Quotes

Clyde: [he and Bonnie are holding up a bank] Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This here is a stickup. And we're the Barrow Gang. I'm Clyde Barrow and this here is Bonnie Parker. At your service.
Lucy: [steps forward in awe] Bonnie and Clyde.
Clyde: [to Lucy] What are you looking at? You heard of us?

Monte: You know what? I don't think I'm interested.
Bill: Fine. You want to diddle around, we'll walk out of here. We'll go have a nice, leisurely lunch wherever the fuck we want, and then take the picturesque drive back to Quantico. What's the rest of your day look like?

Monte: Cancer. It's, uh... It's a bitch, man. Yeah, it's hard on a human being. So I let her go. It's, uh... It's a weird feeling, man.
Holden: What's a weird feeling, Monte?
Monte: Um How do I put it?... Showing mercy.

Bill: We're from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Science Unit.
Monte: Scientists?
Bill: We're from the Behavioral Science Unit. We're doing research. Interviewing men like you.
Monte: Men like me?
Bill: Murderers with multiple victims. To better understand why you do what you do.
Monte: I'd like to know, too.

Bonnie: [keeping a crowd of people in the bank at bay with two guns] How'd we do, baby?
Clyde: [walks up to Bonnie] Look at this.
[holds two bags of money out, which makes Bonnie squeal in delight]