The Best South Park, Season 18, Episode 4 Quotes

Russian: Nobody takes jobs away from us! We need to speak to mayor and tell her to shut down this illegitimate business!
Muslim: Or maybe we can have the polcie shut them down.
Mimsy: Hey, I got an idea! Why don't you guys just make your cars cleaner and nicer and try to be better to your customers so you can compete with Handicar's popularity in the market place.

Randy: Whacky Races? Holy shit!

Nathan: How can people be so ineffectual, Mimsy?
Mimsy: Dah, I don't know, boss.
Nathan: These are supposed to be men who care about their occupation.
Mimsy: Dah, maybe if they're that incompetant we shouldn't be trying to save their jobs. Maybe Handicar is a kind of natural selection where more diligent workers are weeding out the useless ones. DEEERRR!