The Best Vladimir Quotes

Dimitri: I was the boy in the palace - the one who opened the wall. She's the real thing, Vlad.
Vladimir: Then that means that our Anya has found her family. We have found the heir to the Russian throne. And you...
Dimitri: Will walk out of her life forever.
Vladimir: But...
Dimitri: Princesses don't marry kitchen boys.

[Anya and Dimitri have been arguing on the train - Vlad enters the compartment]
Anastasia: Oh, thank goodness it's you!
[points to Dimitri]
Anastasia: Will you please remove him from my sight?
Vladimir: [to Dimitri] What have you done to her?
Dimitri: Me? It's *her*!
Anastasia: HA!
Vladimir: Oh! An unspoken attraction!
Dimitri: *Attraction*? To that skinny little brat? Have you lost your mind?
Vladimir: I was only asking a simple question...
Dimitri: Attraction... ridiculous!

Anastasia: [singing] And I recall his yellow cat!
Vladimir: [singing to Dimitri] I don't believe we told her that...

Vladimir: That's what I hate about this government. Everything's in red.

[the overheated train engine and the baggage car have been separated from the rest of the train]
Dimitri: What was that?
Vladimir: I don't know, but there goes the dining car.

Vladimir: She certainly has a mind of her own.
Dimitri: Yeah. I hate that in a woman.

[Dimitri and Anya are waltzing]
Dimitri: That, uh, that dress looks really good on you.
Anastasia: Do you think so?
Dimitri: Yeah. I mean, it looked nice on the hanger but it's even better on you. Y-you, you should wear it!
Anastasia: I *am* wearing it!
Dimitri: Oh, oh yes, I was just, um, trying to give you a... a...
Anastasia: Complement?
Dimitri: Yeah.
Vladimir: [singing] It's one, two, three/ And suddenly/ I see it at a glance/ She's radiant/ And confidant/ And born to take this chance/ I taught her well/ I planned it all/ I just forgot/ Romance/ Vlad, how could you do this?/ How will we get through this?/ I never should have let them/ Dance!
Anastasia: I feel a little... dizzy.
Dimitri: Kind of... light-headed?
Anastasia: Yeah...
Dimitri: Me too. Probably from all the spinning.
[they stop dancing]
Dimitri: Maybe we should stop.
Anastasia: [quietly] We *have* stopped.
Dimitri: Anya, I...
Anastasia: Yes?
[they lean in...]