20 Best Dimitri Quotes

Dimitri: I was the boy in the palace - the one who opened the wall. She's the real thing, Vlad.
Vladimir: Then that means that our Anya has found her family. We have found the heir to the Russian throne. And you...
Dimitri: Will walk out of her life forever.
Vladimir: But...
Dimitri: Princesses don't marry kitchen boys.

Anastasia: Do you really think I'm royalty?
Dimitri: You know I do!
Anastasia: Then stop bossing me around!

[the overheated train engine and the baggage car have been separated from the rest of the train]
Dimitri: What was that?
Vladimir: I don't know, but there goes the dining car.

Anastasia: [seeing something crash behind a speeding train after she just pulled Dimitri back inside] And to think that could have been you.
Dimitri: If we live through this, remind me to thank you.

Dimitri: [after making a deal with Anya] May I present... Her Royal Highness, the Grand Duchess Anastasia.
Anastasia: Pooka, we are going to Paris!
Dimitri: Uh, the dog stays.
Anastasia: I'm talking about the dog goes.
Dimitri: No, the dog is not going.
Anastasia: I say he's going.
Dimitri: I'm allergic to dogs.
Bartok: [after hearing Dimitri and Anya argue] Anastasia? Yeah, just one problem there, fella. Anastasia's dead. All the Romanovs are dead. They're dead. Dead, dead, dead. Am I right, my friend?
[to the "relic"]
Bartok: I mean, how could that be Ana...!
[screaming, clinging to the "relic", whimpers and hanging upside down]
Bartok: Oh, come on. Am I supposed to believe that thing woke up after all these years, just because some guy claims she's a Romanov? OK, OK, I get the message! Enough already with the glowing and the smoke people!
Bartok: If that thing's come back to life, that must mean... Anastasia's alive.
Dimitri: Just leave the dog.
Anastasia: I am not leaving the dog!
Bartok: And that's her!

[Anya and Dimitri have been arguing on the train - Vlad enters the compartment]
Anastasia: Oh, thank goodness it's you!
[points to Dimitri]
Anastasia: Will you please remove him from my sight?
Vladimir: [to Dimitri] What have you done to her?
Dimitri: Me? It's *her*!
Anastasia: HA!
Vladimir: Oh! An unspoken attraction!
Dimitri: *Attraction*? To that skinny little brat? Have you lost your mind?
Vladimir: I was only asking a simple question...
Dimitri: Attraction... ridiculous!

Dimitri: [after Anastasia hands him a stick of dynamite and it's about to explode] What did they teach you in those orphanages?

Dimitri: [after nearly dying from a train wreck] I hate trains! Remind me *never* get on the train again.

Vladimir: She certainly has a mind of her own.
Dimitri: Yeah. I hate that in a woman.

Dimitri: Look I think we got off on the wrong foot.
Anastasia: Well, I think we did, too. But I appreciate your apology.
Dimitri: Who said anything about an apology? I was just saying that...
Anastasia: Please don't talk anymore, it's only going to upset me.
Dimitri: Fine, I'll be quiet if you be quiet.
Anastasia: Alright, I'll be quiet.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anastasia: Fine.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anastasia: Fine... So you think you're gonna miss it?
Dimitri: Miss what? Your talking?
Anastasia: No! Russia.
Dimitri: Nope.
Anastasia: But it was your home.
Dimitri: It was a place I once lived. End of story.
Anastasia: Then you must plan on making Paris your true home.
Dimitri: What is it with you and homes?
Anastasia: Well for one thing it's something every normal person wants. And for another thing... it's thing where ya just...
Dimitri: What?
Anastasia: Forget it!
[grunts in frustration]

Actress: Grandma, it's me, Anastasia.
[sways hips]
Dimitri: Oh, brother.

Dimitri: I don't want your money.
Dowager: What do you want then?
Dimitri: Unfortunately, nothing you can give.

Rasputin: Say your prayers, Anastasia! No one can save you!
Dimitri: Wanna bet?

Anastasia: What? Hey - why are you circling me? What, were you a vulture in another life?
Dimitri: I'm sorry, Enya.
Anastasia: It's Anya.
Dimitri: Anya.
Anastasia: [enunciating] An-ya.
Dimitri: It's just that - you look an awful lot like... never mind.

[Dimitri and Anya are waltzing]
Dimitri: That, uh, that dress looks really good on you.
Anastasia: Do you think so?
Dimitri: Yeah. I mean, it looked nice on the hanger but it's even better on you. Y-you, you should wear it!
Anastasia: I *am* wearing it!
Dimitri: Oh, oh yes, I was just, um, trying to give you a... a...
Anastasia: Complement?
Dimitri: Yeah.
Vladimir: [singing] It's one, two, three/ And suddenly/ I see it at a glance/ She's radiant/ And confidant/ And born to take this chance/ I taught her well/ I planned it all/ I just forgot/ Romance/ Vlad, how could you do this?/ How will we get through this?/ I never should have let them/ Dance!
Anastasia: I feel a little... dizzy.
Dimitri: Kind of... light-headed?
Anastasia: Yeah...
Dimitri: Me too. Probably from all the spinning.
[they stop dancing]
Dimitri: Maybe we should stop.
Anastasia: [quietly] We *have* stopped.
Dimitri: Anya, I...
Anastasia: Yes?
[they lean in...]

Dimitri: What are you looking for?
Anastasia: The Russian Circus. I think it's still in here.

Dowager: Young man, where did you get that music box? You were the boy, weren't you? The servant boy who got us out? You saved her life and mine and you restored her to me. Yet you want no reward.
Dimitri: Not anymore.
Dowager: Why the change of mind?
Dimitri: It was more a change of heart.

Anastasia: [after overhearing Dimitri's conversation with Marie and learning his plans] That was all a lie, wasn't it?
Dimitri: No, no...
Anastasia: You used me? I was just part of your con to get her money?
Dimitri: No. No, no, no. Look, it may have started out that way, but everything's different now, because you really are Anastasia. You are!
Anastasia: Now stop it! From the very beginning, you *lied*! And I not only believed you, I actually...
[grunts in disbelief]
Dimitri: Anya, please! When you spoke of the hidden door in the wall opening, and the little boy, listen to me, that was...
Anastasia: No! I don't want to hear about anything that I said I remembered; you just leave me alone!
[Dimitri grabs Anya's arm, she slaps him and storms away]
Dimitri: [yelling in protest] Anya, please, you have to know the truth!

Dowager: [as Dimitri recklessly drives the Dowager Empress Marie's car] Ilya, slow down.
Dimitri: I'm *not* Ilya, and I *won't* slow down, NOT until you listen.
Dowager: You... how dare you! Stop this car immediately! STOP THIS CAR!

Anastasia: Oh no, not me... nope! No... nobody ever told me I had to *prove* I was the grand duchess!
Dimitri: Look, I...
Anastasia: Show up, yes. Look nice, fine. But lie?
Dimitri: You don't know if it's a lie. What if it's true?