The Best Wilford Brimley Quotes

Pop: I'd have walked away from baseball and I'd have bought a farm.
Roy: Nothing like a farm. Nothing like being around animals, fixing things. There's nothing like being in the field with the corn and the winter wheat. The greenest stuff you ever saw.
Pop: You know, my mother told me I ought to be a farmer.
Roy: My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.
Pop: You're better than anyone I ever had. And you're the best goddamned hitter I ever saw. Suit up.

Pop: My ma urged me to get out of this game. When I was a kid, she pleaded with me. And I meant to, you know what I mean? But she died.
Red: Tough.
Pop: Now look at me. I'm wet nurse to a last-place, dead-to-the-neck-up ball club, and I'm choking to death!

Pop: You know my mama wanted me to be a farmer.
Roy: My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.
Pop: Well you're better than any player I ever had. And you're the best God damn hitter I ever saw. Suit up.

Pop: People don't start playing ball at your age, they retire!

Pop: Hobbs. I'm sending you down Hobbs, Class B ball. Tomorrow you go to the Great Lakes Assocaition.
Roy: All right. You make the rules.
Pop: That's right, that's right and you ain't been playing by 'em. Don't you remember signing a contract!
Roy: I remember signing a contract, to play ball not to be put to sleep by some two bit carney hypnotist! I won't do that Pop! I can't.

Pop: Batting practice tomorrow, be there!
Roy: I have been. Every day.

Pop: [to his "best" pitcher who can't throw a strike] Come on, Fowler! Throw strikes!
Red: Fowler's killing worms, Pop.

Bartholomew: [after failing to catch a fly ball] I lost it in the sun.
Pop: [looks up at the cloudy sky] Blinding.

Pop: I shoulda been a farmer.

Pop: C'mon Hobbs, knock the cover off the ball!

Pop: I wanted to win that pennant worse than I wanted any goddamned thing in my life. You'd think I could just this once, wouldn't you? I didn't care nothing about the Series. Win or lose, I would have been satisfied.