The Best Aaron Conor Quotes

Counselor: I'd book my next vacation at your hotel, if you had one.
Aaron: Well, in that case, I shall have to have them build one.

- Anything that would keep them out of here.
Aaron: We have nothing to hide.
- We have a great deal to lose.
- What is that?
- It's them.
- Look at this, Martin.
- Incredible.

Aaron: [citing a nursery rhyme as a metaphor for his society's situation] Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Aaron: [together] All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again.

Aaron: Your arrival created this problem. Your departure solves it.
Captain: That is simplistic.

Martin: Your presence here has already begun to affect the entire balance of our society.
Aaron: If we don't survive, the balance of our society won't mean a great deal, will it?

Martin: This is in direct violation of the intentions of our founders, Aaron.
Aaron: I don't think they intended us to die, Martin.

Aaron: When you're ready to come home, you will be welcome.

Aaron: I replay each step in my mind, looking for the wrong turn, mistake in judgment. I can find only one; and, as hard as I try, I cannot regret even that one. In fact, I'm quite certain that, given the opportunity, I would choose to make the same mistake again. I can only wonder why, with all the hundreds of genetically compatible women, I would fall in love with you.
Counselor: Don't say that.
Aaron: Perhaps it's your imperfections which make you so unique. But I am in love with you, Deanna Troi, and I will always be.

Aaron: We grow up knowing exactly what our society needs from us, what we are expected to do.
Commander William T. Riker: That must take some of the fun out of it.
Aaron: Not at all. My entire psychological makeup tells me that I was born to lead. I am exactly what I would choose to be. Think of it another way: are there still people in your society who have not yet discovered who they really are or what they were meant to do with their lives? They may be in the wrong job, they may be writing bad poetry or, worse yet, they may be great poets working as laborers, never to be discovered. That does not happen here.

Aaron: I know what Hannah Bates is feeling. I've been feeling it as well. I've found your people intriguing, and stimulating, as she has. I've been every bit as curious about you as the next man - but I am not the next man. I am the leader of these people, and every genetic fiber of my being demands that I protect them; and, instead, I have betrayed them. I have allowed this to happen.