The Best Ajay Naidu Quotes

[Ahktar tells Jane Doe and Rich Dotcom a story about the artists Rembrandt and Vermeer]
Shohid: Something I find hard to fathom, Rembrandt and Vermeer, two masters of the Dutch golden age living less than 50 miles away from each other, and yet they never met. The world must have seemed so impossibly big. But here we are, two masters from opposite sides of the globe. Standing face to face. The world is much smaller now.
Shohid: [Ahktar holds his golden pistol in Dotcom's mouth] Perhaps too small for the both of us.

Sayaman: [after mortally injuring Tom's wife in a car crash] Tom, I'll need a ride home.

Sayaman: I'm sorry about that night. If I hadn't fallen asleep while driving for that exact 20 minutes. If I hadn't drank that exact whole bottle of Jaegermeister. If only I hadn't killed that hooker.
Tom: Sayaman. I don't see what any of this has to do with Annie.
Sayaman: I'm sorry. Those were other nights. But if it had been that night, I might have missed her.

[Ahktar asks Rich Dotcom if he's holding the Gardner paintings]
Shohid: Are those what I think they are?
Rich: God, I hope so.
Shohid: The Gardner paintings. Feels like a dream, doesn't it?
Rich: If it was a dream, I'd be naked.

[Rich Dotcom introduces Jane Doe to Ahktar]
Shohid: Who is your friend?
Rich: Don't worry about her.
Shohid: I wasn't asking you.
Rich: Well, you kind of were.
Jane: [Jane whispers to Ahktar] We aren't friends. We're just sleeping together.