The Best Alec Lightwood Quotes

Isabelle: I'm not a fan.
Alec: Jealous?
Isabelle: No.
Isabelle: Maybe.
Isabelle: How the hell did she catch that arrow?

Clary: Alec i realised i couldn't have done any of this without your help. I wanna thank you.
Alec: Don't misread this as friendship.

Maryse: Alec, what are you...
Alec: Enough.
[Walks up to Magnus and kisses him]

Lydia: We will need to make sure no magic was used to make this. I'm calling the nearest high warlock to come in to consult.
Alec: Magnus Bane?
[slight stammer]
Alec: To come here to the institute?
Lydia: Yes, is there a problem?
Alec: No. Not at all. Magnus is, um... quite magical. He's... uh... very... very good at magic.
Lydia: Do you know him well?
Alec: Uh,just a little.
Lydia: I actually can't wait to meet him. Did you know that my great ancestor, Henry Branwell, who was the last of Branwells to run an institute and Magnus Bane invented the portal?

Alec: Told you so.
Jace: Too soon.

Maryse: There are rumours that local shadowhunters have been interfering in Downworlder affairs. But you two wouldn't know anything about that, right?
Isabelle: Nope.
Alec: Nada.

Alec: The law is hard but it is the law, and I respect that. But I've realised that i have to listen to my heart.
Lydia: Lets not forget where that got me.
Alec: I know. And I can't bring John back. But like you said, our families have been strong allies. And we could use that to our advantage. Together we can restore my family name and we can keep the Institute.
Lydia: And we'd get to run it.
Alec: [gets down on one knee] Lydia Branwell, will you marry me,Alec Lightwood?

Alec: I told you...
Jace: Don't say it!

Alec: Magnus...
[Magnus starring at him]
Magnus: [snaps out of his fantasy] Okay I'm back.
[Alec goes to put on his tee shirt]
Magnus: Oh you don't have to get dressed up for me.
[Alec looking at him]
Magnus: Fine. But I liked what I saw.

Alec: I don't like to say this often but I'll agree with Clary.

Isabelle: Guys, I think those mundanes might be the least of our worries.
Alec: At least now we know the demon necklace works.
Jace: Never a dull day. Let's go.

Alec: Did you get it?
Clary: Theoretically.

Lydia: I can see why all the girls in Idris are clamoring to meet you.
Alec: What do you mean?
Lydia: Rumour has it you're looking to settle down- get married.
Alec: Damn it.
Lydia: Let me guess - not your idea?
Alec: Not even close.

Magnus: You know what I just realized? We haven't gone on our first date yet.
Alec: Yeah, you're right. Wanna, I don't know, get a drink sometime?
Magnus: I would love that.
Alec: Great.

Alec: Oh crap.
Isabelle: Don't worry,its good practice.
Alec: Huh?
Isabelle: You know, for asking out Magnus.

Alec: Magnus, It's like my whole life has been a lie. Everything i have ever known...
Magnus: it's not what you thought?

Alec: You may have lived through the fall of Rome, But even the Dark Ages couldn't have been this dark.

Isabelle: My brother is right. The cup is extremely important.
Alec: Are you agreeing with me?
Isabelle: I'm full of surprises.