20 Best Clary Fray Quotes

Clary: "means nothing"? Over my dead body.
[punches Camille in the face]

Clary: Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize that the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you that I'm not the only smart, perceptive, person that makes that same mistake.

Clary: So I can have Simon back. Alive and breathing?
Isabelle: That's just it. He won't return alive or breathing. He will be a vampire.
Jace: And not the sexed-up, romantic kind. The ugly, blood-sucking, coffin-dwelling kind.
Raphael: That's offensive.
Jace: Really?
Raphael: Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They are made of 14 karat gold.
Jace: My bad.

Clary: Alec i realised i couldn't have done any of this without your help. I wanna thank you.
Alec: Don't misread this as friendship.

Jace: This is a bad idea. Promise me you won't tell a mundane that Simon was bitten by a vampire.
Clary: I promise.
Jace: Good. cause part of our jobs as shadowhunters is making sure that mundanes don't...
Clary: know the truth?

Simon: Clary, is there a war going on that I don't know about?
Jace: There is now.
Clary: I think my mother's at the center of it.

Clary: I'm sorry Jace. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've put you through.
Jace: It's okay Clary, you don't have to apologize.
Clary: Unfortunately you can't stop me.
Jace: Well yeah I'm starting to see that.

Jace: Third rule of shadowhunting; emotions cloud judgement.
Clary: Jace... If being a shadowhunter means i have to be dead inside... I'm not sure I want to be one.

Clary: [Talking to the fledgling Simon] When your grandfather gave you this at your bar mitzvah, you told me how much it meant to you. It was a symbol of the day you became a man. Simon...
[starts sobbing]
Clary: Simon, no matter what happens... no matter what... you become... you will always be that man to me.

Clary: Luke, you're hurt.
Luke: Nuh. Already healed. Perks of being a werewolf.

Jace: [At Simon's burial] That mundane's a fighter. He survived the vampires at hotel Dumort. He survived the werewolves at Jade Wolf. He survived accounting... for whatever its worth.
Clary: [slight smile] He's a fighter, isn't he? Look I know you think emotions cloud judgement and that whole falcon story, I... I don't think I'll be able to wrap my head around that but... all of that contradicts the first rule of being a mundane.
Jace: What's the first rule of being a mundane?
Clary: It's that love makes you stronger.

Clary: It looks just like a wine glass.
Jace: That wine glass saved your life.

Clary: [to Luke] I will never stop needing you.

Clary: What the hell?
Jace: Language. Not in front of grandma.

Jace: I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers.
Clary: Who are the Silent Brothers?
Jace: They're Shadowhunters with superior powers.
Isabelle: Who possess the ability to recover memories.
Alec: A process that can also kill you, so there's that.
Simon: Your bedside manner is abysmal.

Jace: How did you know it wasn't me?
Clary: I just knew.
Jace: Really? Kind of a risk, wasn't it?
Clary: Well, this may come as a surprise but I actually do listen to some of the things you tell me.

Jace: That looks exactly like the mortal cup.
Clary: This is it. It has to be.

Alec: Did you get it?
Clary: Theoretically.

Jace: Would you stop for a second and think about what you're doing?
Clary: I am, Jace,okay? It's like my brain is telling me to do one thing and my heart another and...

Clary: Are you hurt?
Jace: I'll live.