The Best Emeraude Toubia Quotes

Clary: So I can have Simon back. Alive and breathing?
Isabelle: That's just it. He won't return alive or breathing. He will be a vampire.
Jace: And not the sexed-up, romantic kind. The ugly, blood-sucking, coffin-dwelling kind.
Raphael: That's offensive.
Jace: Really?
Raphael: Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They are made of 14 karat gold.
Jace: My bad.

Isabelle: Sorry.
Magnus: It's quite all right. I suppose Alec's just following his duty.
Isabelle: Not everyone gets the luxury of following their heart.

Lydia: Valentine's daughter...
Isabelle: Isn't she also your cousin?
Lydia: Distant cousin.

Magnus: It's just so hard to tell if Alexander is even interested. I mean, I can't fathom why he wouldn't be.
Isabelle: I'm not sure you noticed but my brother is not exactly warm and fuzzy.
Magnus: Hmmm I suppose... With Clary's arrival
Isabelle: And Valentine's return...
Magnus: Mmm-hmmm. Running the institute...
Isabelle: The envoy from the Clave...
Magnus: Oh, who i hear is very impressive. What else? Oh, Babysitting Jace.
Isabelle: And dealing with our parents who are trying to find him a wife.
[Magnus looks at her speechless]

Isabelle: I'm not a fan.
Alec: Jealous?
Isabelle: No.
Isabelle: Maybe.
Isabelle: How the hell did she catch that arrow?

Simon: Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all.
Isabelle: Don't tell me you're afraid.
Simon: Are you kidding me? I was born afraid. Which sounded a lot better in my head.

Isabelle: You almost done?
Magnus: Patience is a virtue, my dear.

Isabelle: What I find strange is that you're so upset. Maybe you're upset by the way Jace is looking at her. You know, you should be happy that Jace is interested in someone other than himself.
Alec: Maybe I'm pissed that she's ruined the mission. We never found out who's buying the blood. That was our one job.

Raphael: I don't want trouble with the shadowhunters.
Isabelle: Smart decision.

Maryse: There are rumours that local shadowhunters have been interfering in Downworlder affairs. But you two wouldn't know anything about that, right?
Isabelle: Nope.
Alec: Nada.

Isabelle: My brother is right. The cup is extremely important.
Alec: Are you agreeing with me?
Isabelle: I'm full of surprises.

Isabelle: Guys, I think those mundanes might be the least of our worries.
Alec: At least now we know the demon necklace works.
Jace: Never a dull day. Let's go.

Jace: First rule of shadowhunting... when something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away.
Clary: And what's the second rule?
Isabelle: There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels.

Jace: I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers.
Clary: Who are the Silent Brothers?
Jace: They're Shadowhunters with superior powers.
Isabelle: Who possess the ability to recover memories.
Alec: A process that can also kill you, so there's that.
Simon: Your bedside manner is abysmal.

Alec: Oh crap.
Isabelle: Don't worry,its good practice.
Alec: Huh?
Isabelle: You know, for asking out Magnus.