30 Best Katherine McNamara Quotes

Batwoman: I'll take that upgrade now.
The: Oh, uh, if I could have one of those without losing an appendage.
Batwoman: Mm-hmm.
The: [taking a batarang] Oh, so cool! Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?
Mia: Your friend talks a lot.
Green: Yeah, you get used to it. Hey, Ray, focus!

Mia: Okay, please tell me you're planning on wearing this.
Oliver: I don't think that that one would fit me. There should always be at least one Green Arrow.
Mia: Dad, I can't.
Oliver: You know, Mia, the Monitor has taken a lot from me. But I will always be grateful for the time he has given me with you.
Mia: If you're not gonna wear this, then no one should.
Oliver: You earned it. Just try it on. I gotta find Barry.

Mia: Okay. When Lyla said an army, I thought she meant an... army.
Green: She did. It's just that... we've never faced one like this before.

Jace: I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers.
Clary: Who are the Silent Brothers?
Jace: They're Shadowhunters with superior powers.
Isabelle: Who possess the ability to recover memories.
Alec: A process that can also kill you, so there's that.
Simon: Your bedside manner is abysmal.

Simon: Clary, is there a war going on that I don't know about?
Jace: There is now.
Clary: I think my mother's at the center of it.

Iris: Mia, you never said why you came to 2021, but I'm guessing it's important. So what is going on?
Mia: I'm here to find my brother. William's missing. I just hit another dead end.
Iris: What happened?
Mia: It was the night I decided to put on the suit. William and I went to see Dad's statue, but we were attacked. I haven't seen my brother since. I've been looking for him for two years.
Iris: I'm so sorry.
Mia: Found a temporal energy signature at the crime scene which led me here, but every trail goes cold.
[showing her an arrowhead]
Mia: Now, this is all I have left of him. William gave it to me the night he was taken. Sometimes I wonder if it's connected to why he's still gone.
Iris: Have you asked Felicity for help?
Mia: She wouldn't understand what I've had to do to get this far.

Mia: So Thawne messed with the timeline. No wonder I picked up on his temporal energy. He must be loaded with it.
Barry: Is that why you're here in 2021?
Mia: No, I tracked Thawne's scent by mistake. I was, uh, looking for something else.
Chester P. Runk: May... maybe we can help. I'm-I'm Chester P., by the way. New guy. And it is so cool to meet the future Green Arrow. Mia Queen, progeny of Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen. I know all the stories.
Mia: Yeah, not all the stories.

Clary: He's on our side.
Jace: You sure? Isn't that the line he used when he kidnapped you?
Clary: Good point.

Alec: Did you get it?
Clary: Theoretically.

Iris: That aroma seems familiar. Sebastian James?
Mia: My favorite scotch. Did you guys always party this hard after a successful mission?
Iris: I wish. By the way, I, um... I came across something that might help you find William. The symbol on the Hozen, it matches a symbol from some heavily redacted documents from Berlin. Only my source couldn't find out more thanks to some very intense firewalls.
Mia: You know, I think I know a hacker who might be able to help me.
Iris: You're going to see Felicity?
Mia: You were right, Iris. I can be the person she always wanted me to be. Thank you for helping me find myself again.
Iris: You made the choice to be a hero. Your dad would be proud. And, hey, you know, don't be a stranger while you're here in our time. Bart and Nora, they... . they drop in on us a lot, and I think you guys would get along really well.

Jace: Would you stop for a second and think about what you're doing?
Clary: I am, Jace,okay? It's like my brain is telling me to do one thing and my heart another and...

Jace: Third rule of shadowhunting; emotions cloud judgement.
Clary: Jace... If being a shadowhunter means i have to be dead inside... I'm not sure I want to be one.

Iris: Mia, have you ever...
Mia: Killed anyone? I will if I have to, for William's sake. Sometimes blood for blood is the answer.
Iris: You know, your dad thought the same thing once. That in order to protect his city, he had to take lives, but all he ended up doing was ruining his own. I think you know that, or else you wouldn't be so afraid to go see your mom.
Mia: You're the one who's afraid. Thawne killed your dad and then tricked you into almost marrying him, all the while making you believe you had a choice in it all. You, Iris West-fracking-Allen. And now you're too afraid to give him what he deserves. You think my life will be ruined if I kill? What about yours if you don't? 'Cause it sounds like you'd be a lot better off if he was gone.

Reverse: Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking what did I do that? Well, I did it to draw out your hero! What is taking him so long?
Green: You want a hero?
[knocks down Reverse-Flash]
Reverse: You. You know, normally, I'd be intrigued to meet the great Green Arrow, but unfortunately, today, I don't have the time.
Green: Where's William?
Reverse: Who's William?
Green: [draws back on her bow] Wrong answer.
[Reverse-Flash fades in and out]
Green: Oopsie. That's a temporal fade, pal. Looks like you're not too much longer for this timeline. Too bad. Now, where the hell's my brother?
Reverse: Enough with the questions.

Oliver: For a very long time, I have hated this place. I think about all the people that it took from me. It would just... It would just make me so angry.
Mia: But you're not now.
Oliver: I'm still a little bit angry. This island taught me to survive. It turned me into someone else. Somebody better than the person I was before. So, despite my feelings... there are no stories about the Green Arrow to tell if I don't make my way to Lian Yu. And I'm not also standing, at this moment looking at my daughter.
Mia: Thank you for letting me be part of your story. Even if it was only for a little while.
Oliver: Yeah, something tells me you're gonna create your own stories.

Sara: So I miss one group chat, and now there's Paragons, and I'm supposed to be one of them.
Mia: Yep. And Barry and I are gonna use a Lazarus Pit to bring my dad back.
Sara: Mia, it's not that simple. The Lazarus Pit isn't some magical mud bath where you get your soul and a cup of cucumber water at the end. You lose your humanity.
Mia: Nyssa told me everything I need to know about Lazarus Pits. And she told me everything I need to know about you.
Sara: Well, why don't you share your opinion when it's about your life?
Mia: Why don't you share your opinion when it's about your dad?

Clary: [Talking to the fledgling Simon] When your grandfather gave you this at your bar mitzvah, you told me how much it meant to you. It was a symbol of the day you became a man. Simon...
[starts sobbing]
Clary: Simon, no matter what happens... no matter what... you become... you will always be that man to me.

Chester P. Runk: Mia, what the hell, girl?
Despero: [speaking through Mia] Iris West-Allen. You and Flash made this decision. And now you'll die for making the wrong one.
Iris: Mia, listen to me. This isn't you.
Cecile: Mia. Mia, she's right. Take my power. Take my strength. Fight him.
Despero: Empath. You think I'd release this perfect vessel?
Iris: [powering up a blaster rifle] Mia, stop. I know you can fight this.
Despero: The child is gone, human.
Iris: No, she's not. Mia, I know you can fight this because you already have. Look around. You could've killed us all, but you didn't.
Cecile: Mia, she's right. Fight him.
Despero: [fighting with the Flash] Impossible.
Iris: Mia, think about William. is this the path he would want you to choose?
Green: [as Despero's control over her is lifted, she drops her bow] Iris. Allegra, Frost, in the hallway.
Cecile: I'll go check on them.
Green: I'm so sorry.

Jace: How did you know it wasn't me?
Clary: I just knew.
Jace: Really? Kind of a risk, wasn't it?
Clary: Well, this may come as a surprise but I actually do listen to some of the things you tell me.

Clary: It looks just like a wine glass.
Jace: That wine glass saved your life.

Mia: What did Thawne mean when he said, "save me"? Save him from what?
Barry: You see how he's fading in and out? Same thing happened to me in his Reverse-Flashpoint. He's being erased. Once the process is complete, he'll die.
Cecile: So when you removed Thawne's changes, the timeline decided to remove him, too.
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: Okay, but when Thawne died, he came back somehow after Eddie. I mean, could that happen again?
Barry: No, this is different. When I reset the timeline, I used Damien's Time Stone. It eliminated all possible time variables, restoring a single, permanent timeline again. This one.
Caitlin: So if he dies this time...
Chester P. Runk: It's game over for good.
Caitlin: Okay. I need to call Frost. If we're gonna decide what to do about Thawne, we need the whole team here.
Mia: Wait a minute. You're not actually considering saving him, are you?
Iris: Mia, we know that Thawne is bad, but we still need to talk this through before we make any decisions.
Mia: Fine. If that's how you guys do things. But you're making a big mistake.

Clary: Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize that the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you that I'm not the only smart, perceptive, person that makes that same mistake.

John: Always a pleasure to see you, Lucy. It's time.
Lucifer: Excuse me, ladies. Seems like you're not only ones who wants a piece of me. See you later. Johnny. I'd like to say it's a pleasure to see on you my Earth outside my club. It's not.
[to Mia]
Lucifer: Hello. Don't believe we've met. Lucifer Morningstar.
Mia: Lucifer Morningstar, as in...
Lucifer: The devil. Yes, exactly. So tell me. What is it you desire?
Mia: I... I, uh... I desire to get my father back.
Lucifer: Daddy issues. Why didn't you say so?
John: Look, we don't know if you have an Oliver Queen on your world, but ours has, uh, shuffled off his mortal coil.
Lucifer: A soul retrieval, blah, blah, blah, the worlds are ending. It's all very Biblical, John. Okay, okay. I'm only doing this 'cause I only owe you for Maz.
John: Yeah, you do.
Lucifer: [to Diggle] You remind me of my brother, by the way - tall, dark, annoyed by me.
John: You gonna help us our not?
Lucifer: Oh, flirt. The devil always sees through on a deal. Take this card. You have a limited time once inside Purgatory, and once the picture complete fades...
John: Our souls will be decimated, blah, blah, blah.
Lucifer: And trapped in eternity forever, so I don't recommend it. Consider us even, John Constan-tine.
John: [chuckles] Constantine.
Lucifer: Is it? I don't care. Always a pleasure doing business with mortals.

Clary: What the hell?
Jace: Language. Not in front of grandma.

Mia: So, what is this? The proverbial calm before the storm?
Green: Something like that. Remember, Mia, whatever happens... find your mother. Tell her how much I love her.

Jace: This is a bad idea. Promise me you won't tell a mundane that Simon was bitten by a vampire.
Clary: I promise.
Jace: Good. cause part of our jobs as shadowhunters is making sure that mundanes don't...
Clary: know the truth?

Clary: [to Luke] I will never stop needing you.

Clary: So I can have Simon back. Alive and breathing?
Isabelle: That's just it. He won't return alive or breathing. He will be a vampire.
Jace: And not the sexed-up, romantic kind. The ugly, blood-sucking, coffin-dwelling kind.
Raphael: That's offensive.
Jace: Really?
Raphael: Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They are made of 14 karat gold.
Jace: My bad.

Jace: [At Simon's burial] That mundane's a fighter. He survived the vampires at hotel Dumort. He survived the werewolves at Jade Wolf. He survived accounting... for whatever its worth.
Clary: [slight smile] He's a fighter, isn't he? Look I know you think emotions cloud judgement and that whole falcon story, I... I don't think I'll be able to wrap my head around that but... all of that contradicts the first rule of being a mundane.
Jace: What's the first rule of being a mundane?
Clary: It's that love makes you stronger.

Jace: First rule of shadowhunting... when something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away.
Clary: And what's the second rule?
Isabelle: There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels.