The Best Amelia Ritter Quotes

Amy: You don't know my name, do you?
Sean: Is it Stanford?
Amy: [playfully] I should just kick your ass! How do you go to a party and you meet somebody...
Sean: [Cutting her off] Amelia Ritter, but you prefer Amy. You're from Orinda. Your father's in commercial real estate, and your mother's ten years sober.
Amy: [Smiling] What's my major?
Sean: Trombone?
Amy: Really?
Sean: I remember something about a trombone.

Sean: Well, I founded an internet company that let folks download and share music for free.
Amy: Kind of like Napster?
Sean: Exactly like Napster.
Amy: What do you mean?
Sean: I founded Napster.
Amy: Sean Parker founded Napster.
Sean: Nice to meet you.
Amy: [Surprised] You're Sean Parker?
Sean: Ah ha! You see, the shoe is on the other...
Amy: Foot?
Sean: Table. Which has turned.
Amy: I just slept with Sean Parker?
Sean: You just slept ON Sean Parker.

Sean: Your major is French.
Amy: And yours?
Sean: Mine? I don't have one.
Amy: You haven't declared?
Sean: I don't go to school.
Amy: You're kidding!
Sean: No.
Amy: Well, where did you go to school?
Sean: William Taft Elementary for a little while.
Amy: Seriously? You're not like 15-years old or anything, are you?
Sean: [laughing] No. Wait, you're not like 15, are you?
Amy: No.