The Best Captain Vinton Maddox Quotes

Captain: Admiral, these enemy radio intercepts that your intelligence unit has been accumulating...
Admiral: Very detailed, aren't they?
Captain: Too damned detailed, Admiral. Do you remember what happened just before December 7th?
Admiral: The Japanese flooded the airwaves with fake messages.
Captain: Yes. These could be carbon copies. Washington's convinced that Yamamoto's feeding this stuff to you in order to cover his real intentions.
Admiral: Very definite possibility.
Captain: Well then, sir, how can you still insist...
Admiral: Because it is my judgement that this information is factual. I'm convinced Yamamoto's target is Midway.
Captain: If you're wrong, Admiral, if you send our carriers into a Japanese ambush, the entire west coast and Hawaiian islands will be wide open for invasion.
Admiral: I'm fully aware of that, Captain. You're saying the safe play is to defend the home folks first.
Captain: With respects, Admiral, it's the smart play.
Admiral: Captain, if we surprise the enemy, catch him where he doesn't think we'll be, we can drive him back 3000 miles. And keep him pinned 'til we're ready to take him on his own front yard.
Captain: Sir, my instructions were to convey Washington's deep concern for the safety of the west coast and the Hawaiian islands. That is, if...
Admiral: Captain Maddox, is Washington ordering me to defend against an attack here or the west coast?
Captain: No, sir. My orders were simply to consult. No, sir, I have no such orders for you.
Admiral: Commander Blake, declare a state of fleet-opposed invasion. Target... Midway Island. Issue the order immediately.
Lieutenant Commander Ernest L. Blake: Aye, aye, sir.