The Best Christina Kokubo Quotes

Captain: I read the FBI report on you and your parents.
Miss: Ask me anything you want to.
Captain: Okay. You're father was frequently seen coming and going from the Japanses consulat.
Miss: He has old friends there.
Captain: I see. And what about those Japanese patriotic organizations you belong to?
Miss: My father enrolled me in those when I was born! Out of respect for him, I never resigned. But I wasn't active!
Captain: [Nods] I see. And what about those magazines they found in your apartment?
Miss: The Prairie Shinburn? Published in Wyoming. My father had deep emotional ties to Japan, but even so, he thought it was a rediculous propaganda sheet.
Captain: Then why did he subscribe?
Miss: He's a traditional and honorable man. He was once indebtted to the man who publishes the Prairie Shinburn.

Miss: I don't love you anymore,
Lieutenant: Say it to my face.
Lieutenant: Say it to my face, Goddamit!

Miss: Damn it, I'm an American! What makes us different from German-Americans or Italian-Americans?
Captain: Pearl Harbor... I guess.