The Best Robert Mitchum Quotes

Kathie: Hello Jeff, funny place to find you.
Jeff: Yeah, me and the kid laugh all the time.

Admiral: I'd like you to recommend your own replacement.
Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: Ray Spruance. I know... I know, he's junior to a lot of other flag officers, and never served a day on a carrier. But Chet, he *knows* carrier tactics.
Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: Well, you asked for my recommendation.
Admiral: I can just imagine Washington's reaction if I hand over the Enterprise and the Hornet to a cruiser skipper. Especially after all the static I've been getting about going out looking for the Japanese at Midway.
Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: You told me once, Chet. When you're in command, command.

[last lines]
Narrator: The Red Sash Cowboy Gang was broken forever. Ike Clanton was shot and killed two years later during an attempted robbery. Mattie died of a drug overdose shortly after she left Tombstone. Virgil and Allie Earp moved to California where Virgil, despite the use of only one arm, became a town sheriff. Wyatt and Josephine embarked on a series of adventures. Up or down, thin or flush, in 47 years they never left each other's side. Wyatt Earp died in Los Angeles in 1929. Among the pallbearers at his funeral, were early western stars William S. Hart and Tom Mix. Tom Mix wept.

Jeff: What brings to Suckerville, Kathie? This a social call?
Kathie: Not exactly. You've got to help me, Jeff... I need a gas cap.
Jeff: Still driving this old heep, huh?
Kathie: [smiles] You remembered...
Jeff: Only when I'm not asleep, or dreaming.

RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: [Spruance is visiting Halsey in the hospital]
RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: I just want to thank you for recommending me to take your task force to sea. Now I have a question for you- Did that *itch* go to your *head*?
Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: [amused] Stop underestimating yourself, Ray. Any Skipper who could keep his cruisers and destroyers alongside of my carriers, from one end of the Pacific to the other, is *definitely* the man for the job.
RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: You and I are uh- aw, Bill, we're kind of different! Do you think *I* can pull it off the same way *you* could have?
Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: [calmly] I can only tell you this Ray- You play it the way you *feel* it, not the way you think *I'd* play it. You go to sea, you find Nagumo, and *chew his ass*! Now, that's all there is to it.