The Best Carol Corbett Quotes

Carol: Listen, you... you don't have to know every little detail about someone as long as you already know their heart.

Lucifer: I didn't wanna have to do this. But... one last time before I am God. Tell me, Carol, what is it you truly desire?
Carol: Really! I am all good.
Lucifer: Oh! Did not have you as the complex type. But come on... there must be something in there, huh?
[Looks Carol with his intense stare]
Carol: I want someone I can spend the rest of my life with. Someone who loves me for who I am. Somebody I can wake up next to in the morning and just totally connect with.
Lucifer: Oh! I see. You want sex.
Carol: [after being released from Lucifer's stare] No! What? No!
Lucifer: Well, you are in luck my friend. Because you are looking at a literal sex god. One determined to help you get laid.
Carol: [laughs] Yeah, No! I am pretty sure, I don't need your help to find the right person.
Lucifer: Hmm.
Carol: Besides, if I have gone this long...
Lucifer: Oh, I see. I mean I get a squirrelly myself after a dry patch. How long has it been exactly?
Carol: I... I don't know, fourteen, maybe fifteen...
Lucifer: Days? Oh, that's awful.
Carol: ...Months.
Lucifer: [Lucifer horrified] Fifteen months?
Carol: Shh!
Lucifer: How can you even walk properly? Yeah, thank future me, I am here. We need to remedy this situation immediately.

Carol: Call me Snacky Chan.
Ella: Oh, man, you're so popcorn-y.

- the whole end of the world situation.
- Oh, right, that.
- Buzzkill, doctor.
- But, don't worry,
- I'm sure amenadiel will figure it out.
- He always does.
Carol: Hey.
- Hey.