The Best Vinessa Vidotto Quotes

Amenadiel: They may be flawed, yes, but so are we and flawed doesn't mean weak.
Remiel: Sounds like something a weak person would say.

Remiel: I may not like you, but I hate Michael even more.
Lucifer: Now there's a ringing endorsement for my campaign poster.

Remiel: There was bound to be a child eventually because of all the meaningless sexual encounters.
Amenadiel: [Thinks she's talking about him] I wouldn't say they were meaningless.
Remiel: Please, our brother Lucifer is a... what do they call it here? A slut.

Remiel: How can human women wear these torture devices? What are they called?
Amenadiel: Jeans.

Europol: We have a word for that kind of man in the UK.
Special: Coward?
Europol: Wanker.

Remiel: How could Lucifer ever procreate with these jeans-laden humans? They're selfish, and greedy. And they smell wrong.

Remiel: As we both know, it's forbidden for humans and celestials to intermingle in an amorous manner. The child shouldn't exist.
Amenadiel: The child is innocent.
Remiel: Exactly. Which is why we must find the child, snatch it up and take it to Heaven for the rest of eternity.