The Best Trixie Espinoza Quotes

Trixie: What's for dinner, Mommy?
Chloe: Greens, you little cake monster.

Lucifer: So... why are you in trouble?
Trixie: [pointing to another student] See that girl over there? She was bullying me. She created a fake Snapchat account and used it to make fun of me. So... I kicked her in the no-no-touch-touch square.
Lucifer: [seeing he's confused, she indicates the genital region] Oh! Oh, I see. Well played. Well played, indeed.

Dan: Listen, thank you so much for watching Trixie. It's just for a little bit.
Trixie: Trixie: And I've been dying to see the baby.
Linda: Yeah, no of course. You know, Charlie's just so good with children.

Lucifer: Since it very well be my last night on Earth, let's go to the bar.
Trixie: My parents wouldn't like that.
Lucifer: Wouldn't they? Sounds like grown-up problems to me.

Trixie: This dagger. Has it ever killed anyone?
Lucifer: Not yet, no.
Trixie: [Holds up handcuffs] Do these work?
Lucifer: Uh... that depends on who you're asking.

Dan: I don't know whether to laugh or to shoot you.
Lucifer: Surprise me.
Trixie: Isn't he funny, Daddy?

Lucifer: [as Trixie hands a lollipop to Maze] Oh, love me a lolli!
Trixie: Sorry, wussies don't get any.
[She gives a fist bump to Maze]

Chloe: Hey, Monkey. Maze is gonna be just fine.
Trixie: Then why do you look worried about her?
Chloe: I'm not worried about Maze. I'm worried about Canada.

Lucifer: [trying to free his hand from Trixie's] Do we have to be touching? Don't you have a leash or something for when you go out?
Trixie: Do you want to sell this or not?

Paddy: Warmed them up for you, Mr. Stompanato.
Tommy: Thanks, boys.
Trixie: [Interrupts the story] Wait, hold it!
Lucifer: Oh, for crying out loud.
Trixie: I thought you said Mr. Stompanato. "Mr." is a man.
Lucifer: Did you or did you not request a gender-balanced narrative? I'm simply following your instructions.

Trixie: Favorite color?
Eve: Red. What's yours?
Trixie: I'm asking the questions.

Chloe: So, what now?
Lucifer: Well, I mean, I've obviously proven myself to be an invaluable crime-fighting tool. You're a pariah in the department. I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Don't you?
Chloe: Who the hell are you?
Lucifer: I told you, I'm...
Trixie: [running in and hugging him] Lucifer!
Lucifer: [obviously uncomfortable] Uh, yes. Hello, child. Um, just...
[picking her up and putting her on the bed]
Lucifer: Why don't you save some of this unpleasantness for your mother, yeah?

Trixie: What happened to Jack and Shirley? Did they live happily ever after?
Lucifer: Well, they moved to Des Moines, so... probably not.

Trixie: What's your name?
Lucifer: Lucifer.
Trixie: Like the Devil?
Lucifer: Exactly.
Trixie: My name's Beatrice, but everybody calls me Trixie.
Lucifer: That's a hooker's name.
Trixie: What's a hooker?
Lucifer: Ask your mother.

Dan: [to Charlotte] Maybe we can go grab that coffee sometime?
Trixie: Dinner would be more romantic.
Dan: It's okay by me.
[They smile at each other]
Charlotte: Dinner it is.
Dan: [Trixie leaves with Dan] You are the best wingman ever.

Mazikeen: What's wrong?
Trixie: I told Mommy I wanted to be a princess when I was seven. Now I'm eight.
Mazikeen: And?
Trixie: Halloween's supposed to be the one night you get to be whatever you want.
Mazikeen: What do you want to be?

Trixie: What are you doing here? And why are you wearing a pillow?
Dan: Well, those are great questions, and I'm gonna answer both of them later. But right now, I need you to do something for me.
Trixie: What?
Dan: Get me some clothes, and don't tell Mommy that I'm here.
Trixie: I thought you said lying was a bad thing.

Lucifer: Are you sure the detective is your mother? Could she be from somewhere else? Does she have any special powers? What about any markings? Scars, on her back perhaps? There's some chocolate cake in it for you.
Trixie: I want cash.

Trixie: I can't let Maze go alone. Someone needs to cover her back.
Mazikeen: Thanks, little human.

Trixie: Where do you live?
Eve: Here.
Trixie: Where are you from?
Eve: Far away. I came here for Lucifer.
Trixie: Keep the commentary to yourself, lady.

Chloe: That's your bedtime story. I'll read that to you tonight.
Trixie: No, read it to me now!
Lucifer: This... best birth control in the world.

Trixie: So if you weren't working, was it, like, a date? With flowers and candles and songs about naked stuff?

Lucifer: Forget it, Trix. It's Chinatown.
Trixie: It's what?
Lucifer: Never mind.

Trixie: Did you know if you're ever mean to me, I can just go on this site and order a new mommy?
Chloe: Oh, yeah? How you gonna pay for that?
Trixie: Your credit card. I've gotten pretty good at your signature, you know.

Amenadiel: I'm, ah... I'm trying to be good.
Trixie: *I* think you're good.

Trixie: You don't have kids, do you?
Charlotte: Actually, I do. Two. They live with their father.
Trixie: That makes sense.

Trixie: You're gonna be in trouble if my mom finds out.
Lucifer: What? I said I'd drive you to school. I never specified which one. So play along, and I'll deliver my end of the bargain.
Mr. Taylor: Mr. Morningstar?
Lucifer: Yes.
Mr. Taylor: Hey. Mr. Taylor.
Lucifer: Ah.
Mr. Taylor: You're here for the Starford tour?
Lucifer: I am indeed. I am indeed. And this little creature, who gets whatever she wants...
Trixie: [offering her hand] Trixie Morningstar. Nice to meet you, sir.
Mr. Taylor: [laughing] Hi.
Lucifer: Ah, lovely.

Trixie: You have a piano up here?
[She runs up to inspect it]
Lucifer: Yes, but no! Please! Please don't touch that. I don't know where you've been.

Trixie: Is this a Shirley Temple?
Mazikeen: [adds a cherry to Trixie's bourbon] Sure.

Trixie: Tell me it's not true, Lucifer! I know you'll tell me. 'cause you never lie. so tell me it's not true!

Trixie: I like you. You're funny.
Charlotte: And you're... short.

- he was the best in the business.
Trixie: Hang on.
- Why does the investigator have to be a boy?
- My mom solves crimes all the time.
- Fine.
- As I was saying...

Trixie: Parents, they're a mystery.
Lucifer: Well, I'll give you that.

Trixie: Is Lucifer here?
Mazikeen: Who are you supposed to be?
Trixie: I'm Trixie, his friend.
Mazikeen: His friends get worse and worse.

Dan: Hey, Monkey. Do you remember when we had that talk and we said that lying is a really bad thing? Well, some of your birthday cake is missing. Now, I didn't eat it, and we know Mommy didn't eat it, so... is there something you want to tell us?
Trixie: I ate it. But Lucifer said it was okay.

Trixie: Are you doing homework?
Chloe: Um, sort of.
Trixie: What's the assignment?
Chloe: Uh, well, I saw Lucifer do some things I can't explain
Trixie: Is Lucifer a magician?
Chloe: That's sort of what I'm trying to figure out.

Trixie: Do you like little kids?
Mazikeen: I've dealt with filthy, screaming humans before. At least these are smaller.

Chloe: Babysitter Shelly might have to take you, okay?
Trixie: Oh, she already left.
Chloe: What? Why?
Trixie: I don't know. But when she went into Maze's room, she ran out screaming.

Chloe: What's the job?
Mazikeen: Preschool aide
Trixie: Do you like little kids?
Mazikeen: I've dealt with filthy screaming humans before. At least these are smaller.

Mazikeen: So, what do you want with Lucifer?
Trixie: He cheers me up.