The Best Cassandra July Quotes

[first lines]
Cassandra: All right, kids, show me what you got. Ready? Five, six, seven, eight! Welcome to NYADA. This is Dance 101, my name's Cassandra July and if you are not suffering from severe body dysmorphia, then you don't want it enough.

Cassandra: [to Rachel] You're late and dressed like a Walgreens underwear model.

Rachel: So what do you think, Ms. July. Am I ready to learn the tango?
Cassandra: Look, you can memorize a routine. So what?
Brody: Rachel was incredible.
Cassandra: You were incredible. She was okay. And that song? Garbage. Whose idea was that? You want truth? Fine. Maria von Trapp, Willy Loman, Shrek. Those are the roles that are appropriate for your level of sex appeal.
Rachel: You're just jealous of me. Of all of us.
Brody: Rachel, don't.
Rachel: No, because we have our entire careers ahead of us and yours ended before it even began. We're the future and you're just some YouTube joke.
Cassandra: You're done. Get out of my class. Get out of my class! Out!
[Rachel storms out of the room and Brody follows her]

Cassandra: I bet you were a big star back in Iowa.
Rachel: Um, actually, I'm from Ohio.
Cassandra: Ohio? That's even worse. You ever look at a map? Ohio's like a giant turd that Michigan just can't pinch off.

Cassandra: What's your name, Muffin Top?
Lydia: Lydia.
Cassandra: No, your name's Muffin Top. And from now on its rice cakes and ipecac, or cut off a butt cheek cause you need to drop a few.

Cassandra: [to Rachel] You're not good enough yet.
Rachel: Maybe you're right. I'm not as good of a dancer as you are.
Cassandra: Oh, you're finally learning something in here.
Rachel: But I'm just as good of a singer. Maybe even better.
Cassandra: You think anyone in here believes that? Because there's a big difference between self-confidence and delusion.
Rachel: No one else has to believe it. No one but me.

Rachel: [to Cassandra] I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. All those things that I said to you, they were completely wrong and... and out of line. I felt like you were picking on me for no reason.
Cassandra: Stop talking. Look, you lost it and you lashed out, same as I did ten years ago except all it took for you to snap was a little honest feedback and excuse me, dance class. And you expect to make it on Broadway? Where all there is is scrutiny and judgment?
Rachel: I'm really sorry...
Cassandra: And what if someone taped your little outburst and then posted it on the Internet? You'd never get cast. You have one chance. You screw it up, you're done. You're that crazy actress. And why would anybody want to work with you?
Rachel: Because you're good.
Cassandra: I was great, but it doesn't make a difference, because I wasn't ready for the pressure. Believe me, it's a whole lot more vicious out there than it is in here. That's why I pick on my students. I want them to be ready.