20 Best Daniel Kaluuya Quotes

Reggie: [sitting in a bar] Look at you. Your eyebrows are a mess.
Kate: [hiding her face] No, they're not!
Reggie: They're like caterpillars, like wild beasts. You're losing weight.
Kate: I'm eating.
Reggie: Look at you. What is it, one T-shirt a week? At least work on your personal hygiene, huh?
Kate: You sound like my mother.
Reggie: Maybe I *am* your mother. First we work on personal hygiene, then we move on to the shopping.

Angel: They're just waiting for the perfect time to shove metal probes up our asses.
OJ: Cool.

OJ: Nope.

Reggie: There's "in the dark" and there's the way you're treating us. I want to know the objective or I walk, period.
Matt: Then go. I didn't ask you to be here.
[pointing to Kate]
Matt: She did.
Kate: I walk, too.
Matt: What do you wanna know?
Reggie: Everything.
Matt: Fuckin' lawyers. All right. Guillermo told us about a tunnel east of Nogales, near Sasabe. Now we're tryin' to find out what areas near there migrants avoid so we can find the tunnel. That better?
Reggie: And Guillermo is...
Kate: And Guillermo, he just told you where the drug tunnel is? He just told you?
Matt: Guillermo didn't have any other options. We send him back across the border, he's a dead man. Now he gets to spend the next 30 years in an American prison in relative safety.
Reggie: Just tell us the truth, man.
Matt: We are gonna make enough noise that Manuel Diaz is called back to Mexico to see his boss. That's the truth.
Reggie: And then?
Matt: And then we know where his boss is.

Kate: Are we going to Tucson?
Matt: Yeah, you gotta learn how to sleep on a plane. They let me on the base when you need a ride, don't they?
Reggie: [to Kate as they approach] You okay?
Matt: She's fine.
Reggie: I didn't ask you.
Matt: And yet I answered...

Reggie: Gotta get you a new bra, woman.
Kate: The list of things I need.
Reggie: I'm just saying, you know, some nice, lacy something.
Kate: Yeah, it's been a while since someone's seen me in a bra, except you.

OJ: What's a bad miracle?

- What happened to gold rush?
OJ: Gold rush went bankrupt.
- It's been this for three years.
Emerald: Damn.
- Howdy, folks.
- Welcome to Jupiter's claim.

W'Kabi: You would kill me my love?
Okoye: For Wakanda? Without Question.

Reggie: You know, I used to see guys like Matt in Iraq. Gotta be careful around these people. CIA's not supposed to work this side of the fence.
Kate: He's a DOD advisor.
Reggie: You really believe that? You need somebody watching your six, 'cause I promise you they aren't.
Kate: You know, we're not even scratching the surface doing what we're doing. And they are.
Reggie: Mm. Well, you sure picked the motherfuckers to show us.

Reggie: Those are Special Ops. Are we going in on this?
Matt: Nah. You guys aren't really dressed for it.
Reggie: That why you didn't fuckin' tell us?
Matt: Yeah, well, you two went cryin' to Daddy yesterday, and we don't want Daddy to know everything.
Kate: Oh, give me a fucking break.
Matt: All right, we'll get you some extra gear.
Kate: We have tac gear in the car.
Matt: All right. Good. You guys will hang back when we get there, okay?
Kate: Then why are we going?
Matt: 'Cause CIA can't operate within U.S. borders without a domestic agency attached. I told you you'd be useful.
Kate: So, that's it. That's why I'm here.
Matt: Yeah, that's it. That's why you're here. Hey, we find any drugs, you guys get to confiscate them. It's gonna be a big day.
Kate: Un-fuckin' real!

- Little more?
- More? Okay.
[Chuckles] Yeah.
OJ: Mmm.
- All right. Yeah.
OJ: Mm-hmm.

- Hey, what did I tell you about that?
Fynn: If she can't get near the horse, what are we doing here?
OJ: Hey, hey, hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Medic!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Are you okay?

Reggie: A'right we good. Just don't keep us in the dark.
Alejandro: You afraid of the dark?

Jamal: This is my brother.
Jatemme: Jatemme.
Jack: Love you too.

- What happened?
- Listen. We gotta get you outta here.
- Eyes on me.
- Where's my camera?
OJ: Hey. Hey!
- I need my camera. Do you see it?
- Okay. Angel.
- What?
- Angel, come on. We gotta reload.
- Shit.

OJ: Bang.
- Come on!
- Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

[Sighs] Come on, come on.
- {gasps}
OJ: No, man.
- What the fuck?
Angel: Holst.

W'Kabi: Would you kill me, my love?
Okoye: For Wakanda... no question

- You hear that?
- Ghost out there.
- Acting all territorial.
OJ: Mmm.
- I guess some animals ain't fit to be trained.