The Best David Quotes

David: You handled yourself pretty nice back there. Ha, whew, I say we make a pretty good team.
Ellie: Psshh. We got lucky.
David: Lucky? No, no... no such thing as luck. No, you see I believe that everything happens for a reason.
Ellie: Sure.
David: I do. And I can prove it to you. Now, this winter has been especially cruel. A few weeks back, I ah... sent a group of men out - nearby town to look for food. Only a few came back. They said that the others had been, ah, slaughtered by a crazy man. And get this, he's a crazy man traveling with a little girl. You see? Everything happens for a reason.

David: I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Ellie: [after breaking David's finger] Ellie.
David: What?
Ellie: Tell them that... Ellie is the little girl that broke your fucking finger.