The Best Nadji Jeter Quotes

Sam: How is it that you're never scared?
Ellie: Who says that I'm not?
Sam: What are you scared of?
Ellie: Let's see... Scorpions are pretty creepy. Um... Being by myself. I'm scared of ending up alone.

Andre: What the hell just happened?
Greg: I saw my dad's dick.

Henry: [after Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam escape the sewers] fresh air...
Sam: [sees "Warning: Infected inside, do not enter" written on the wall] Wha'?... look at this...
Ellie: Are you fucking kidding me? Thanks for the warning on the other side guys!

Joey: So, uh, you must be the good cop.
Javier: Oh, I don't know about that. But... I could be your ticket out of this.
Joey: Yeah?
Javier: Mm-hmm.
Joey: How's that work?
Javier: We know you didn't kill Holly. All you did was lift a bunch of jewelry.
Joey: Man, I did...
Javier: Just save it. We don't care about the jewelry. We can take those charges off the table. All we want is the guy who put you up to it.
Joey: I-I don't even know who you're talking about.
Javier: Joey, come... I just gave you the winning lottery ticket. Now the right move here is to cash that in, not tear it up.
Joey: I bet this is the part where you tell me I don't know the seriousness of my situation. How unless I tell you everything I know, you can't help me. And then you'll lean in close, like you care about me, and like you're my friend... and you'll make promises you'll never keep.
Javier: I keep all my promises, bro.
Joey: That's what everybody says.

Ellie: [after discussing Ellie's fears] What about you?
Sam: Those things out there. What if the people are still inside? What if they're trapped in there, without any control of their body? I'm scared of that happening to me.
Ellie: Okay, first of all, we're a team now, okay. We're gonna help each other out. And second, they might still look like people, but that person is not in there anymore.
Sam: Henry says that, "They've moved on," That they're with their families. Like in heaven. Do you think that's true?
Ellie: I go back and forth. I mean, I'd like to believe it.
Sam: But you don't.
Ellie: I guess not.
Sam: Yeah... me neither.

Javier: My parents split up when I was five. Man, get your feet off my table... Dad moved to Florida with his new wife. Most I ever got after that was a phone call or a postcard.
Joey: Postcard?
Javier: Yeah.
Joey: How old are you anyway?
Javier: Ancient.

[Esposito walks into the precinct handcuffed to Joey]
Kevin: Okay... Care to explain?
Javier: What? The handcuffs?
Kevin: No, no, the stylish shoes that you're wearing. Yes, the handcuffs.
Javier: Well, junior here tried to pull a Houdini on me last night.
Joey: Who the hell's Houdini?
Javier: Shut up.
Kevin: Out the window?
Javier: Yeah.
Kevin: Down the fire escape?
Javier: Yeah. And then onto a moving garbage truck. Then on a skateboard for five blocks, which took him all the way to the L-train.
Kevin: How'd you keep up?
Joey: He didn't.
Javier: Shut up.

Sam: I've got a joke for you.
Ellie: Let's hear it.
Sam: Why can't your nose be twelve inches long?
Ellie: I don't know, why?
Sam: Because then it would be a foot!
Ellie: Pfft... That's so dumb

[last lines]
Javier: If you need, day or night, call me at that number.
Joey: Okay... You're all right. For a cop.
Javier: I know. Now get out of my car.