The Best Delacourt Quotes

Delacourt: Kruger, do you read me?
Kruger: Ah, Ms. Delacourt. How lovely to hear your voice.
Delacourt: There's a citizen carrying sensitive brain data out of the city right now. Some thieves are trying to hijack it.
Kruger: What's in it?
Delacourt: That's classified.
Kruger: You don't call a recently deactivated agent to retrieve classified fucking information! The government doesn't know about this, do they? I can ask for whatever I want, can't I?

Delacourt: I'm not interested in your little ideas. I'm interested in something much larger. This habitat is dying. There is a political sickness inside of it. A tumor that needs to be removed. You and your company are in need of revenue... that is dying up. So... you built the torus. Can you override the servers and place a new president in power?
John: A coup?... Are you suggesting a coup?
Delacourt: Is it possible?
John: I could write a reboot sequence and shut down the entire system. And at that point... you could encode a new president, yes.
Delacourt: Then that is what you will do. And you will have your contract secured for the next 200 years. Missile defense batteries, droids. Everything we need to protect our liberty. All guaranteed, of course, by your new president.
[walks away]

Delacourt: The data is intact, yes?
Technician: Data looks intact. We can still pull the data out of him... which will kill him.
Delacourt: Okay, that's fine. How long before you can download and turn the system online?
Technician: Not long, ma'am.