The Best Max Quotes

Max: The only thing I can do to help you is leave, I promise you.

Android: [Referring to Max's backpack] What's in the bag?
Max: [Max's head is shaved bald] Hair products, mostly.

Max: What happened?
Android: You have been exposed to a lethal dose of radiation. You will experience catastrophic organ failure. In five days' time, you will die.

Armadyne: Check it out, man. I think he likes you.
Max: Think he got his face peel today? He looks good.

Matilda: There once was a meerkat who lived in the jungle. He was hungry, but he was small. So small. And the other big animals had all the food, because they could reach the fruits. So he made friends with a hippopotamus to...
Max: [interrupting her] Okay, stop. It doesn't end well for the meerkat.
Matilda: Yes it does, because he can stand on the hippopotamus's back to get all the fruits he wants.
Max: What's in it for the hippo?
Matilda: [precociously] The hippo wants a friend.

Max: Frey.
Frey: Max? Max, where are you?
Max: I'm gonna have to break my promise. I can't make it back up there. You remember what I said when we were kids?
Frey: Yes.
Young: [Flash back] I'll take us there one day.
Young: Really?
Young: Yeah, I promise.
Max: You wouldn't believe what I'm looking at now. Tell Matilda I really liked her story. And I... I figured out why the hippo did it.
[presses the key]