The Best Chris Shields Quotes

[Dr. Lockett shows Vaughn Du Clark the Super Max effect on the zombie test subject]
Dr. Lockett: As you can see, the test subject is struggling to keep up at three miles per hour. But once the Super Max enters the blood stream... The results are immediate. We can crank the treadmill up as high as nine miles per hour. Endurance and strength also sky rocket.
Vaughn: [the zombie snarls while running] Woah. I'm impressed. Considering how little cash your typical member of the undead carries.

[Dr. Lockett explains to Vaughn Du Clark the Super Max effect on zombies]
Dr. Lockett: Super Max magnifies the effect of adrenaline exponentially. As long as it's in your system, you have all the strength at your disposal that you might have if your loved one were trapped under a car.
Vaughn: Hmm.
Dr. Lockett: These zombies have taught us how to unlock our potential. And I shouldn't need to tell you it's dangerous.

John: Vickie, I asked you to leave!
Vickie: She's my daughter.
Alice: No. I want my dad.
John: Can't you see that she's terrified of you? She could've been killed!
Vickie: I was trying to protect you guys.
John: By lying? You're a meta, Vickie! A human time bomb! How do you keep that from us?

Dr. Faizel: Frey, you know, we've done everything we could to help your daughter. I had a meeting today with the board and they recommend we send her home with you.
Frey: How can I work here and leave her at home? You know, it can happen any time, Dr. Faizel.
Dr. Faizel: I know. If she has another seizure, of course bring her back to the ward, of course. But until then, she's discharged. This isn't Elysium. We can't just heal her.

[first lines]
Journalist: Historically, when we look at evolution, it's not surprising that uh... Chappie's left turn... uh... happened.
Professor: It's too early to tell how this is all going to play out. I didn't believe that this would happen in my lifetime, but... but it is happening.