The Best Donald Lydecker Quotes

Donald: It was the best of you that ran away that night.
Max: Yeah, well, we wanted to start a rock band.

Donald: Alcoholism is not a disease, it's a failing. You've turned it into a church. You worship the altar of self-pity. I come to these rooms for one reason, to remember what I don't want to become... helpless, impotent, and weak.

Donald: You're in one hell of a situation, soldier.
Jace: Yes, sir.
Donald: Do you mind explaining why?
Jace: Because I am dumb! I am so damned dumb it would take ten acts of divine providence to raise me to the sublime height of blissful ignorance, sir!
Donald: And what am I supposed to do about you now?
Jace: That is not for me to speculate, sir.
Donald: You're damn right it's not. Your mission was to eliminate this individual here.
[He pulls out his gun and shoots Vertes. She collapses and he replaces the gun]
Donald: Mission accomplished. Now was that so difficult?

Donald: This isn't as big a tragedy as you think it is.
Max: Whatever you have to tell yourself.