The Best Dr. Connie Ryan Quotes

Dr. Connie Ryan: [to Meredith] Well, I didn't expect to see you again so soon.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Her contractions are every three minutes.
Dr. Cristina Yang: And she doesn't want drugs.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I have Dr. Knox available in case she changes her mind.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Look, she doesn't want drugs.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Okay, can everybody please just shut up? I want to push. I feel like I need to push. Can I push?
Dr. Connie Ryan: I just need to check first...
[Connie checks Meredith]
Dr. Cristina Yang: What's going on?
Dr. Connie Ryan: Meredith, I need you not to push.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Why?
Dr. Connie Ryan: There's face presentation. I can feel your baby's face, so we're gonna have to do a C-section.
Dr. Meredith Grey: A C-section? I do not want to have surgery.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I know.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Alright, you know what? It's just a "C." That's barely surgery. A moron could do a "C."
[to Connie]
Dr. Cristina Yang: I... no offense.

Dr. Connie Ryan: Okay, Meredith, I've closed your uterus and I just started to suture your incisions. Do you trust these guys to finish? Have you taught them that much?
Dr. Heather Brooks: I'll do it.
Dr. Shane Ross: No. You stole neuro. You're not stealing this. This is my surgery, my patient, my incision, mine. Dr. Grey, I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
Dr. Meredith Grey: It's okay, Ross. I like the enthusiasm. Go scrub.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: So what are the risks of repositioning the baby?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Not the minor risks, the big, ugly, scary risks because I'm a lightning rod for those.
Dr. Connie Ryan: It's not an option.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Why not?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Are you saying babies with face presentation can't be born naturally?
Dr. Connie Ryan: It's not a good option.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Neither is cutting into my wife in the dark.
Dr. Connie Ryan: How many babies have you delivered in your career, Dr. Shepherd? What, a couple, maybe more? When I say a vaginal delivery isn't an option, I mean, it's not an option. Now I could stand here and waste time explaining how your baby is in a mento-posterior position and how pushing a baby like that will hyperextend its neck, which can be fatal, or I can better spend my time prepping your wife... and baby for delivery that will not endanger either of their lives. So... which do you prefer?
Dr. Meredith Grey: We're having a C-section in the dark.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Yes... we are.

Dr. Cristina Yang: [to Connie] Can't you just rotate the baby and... and push his face away?
Dr. Connie Ryan: It's very risky, for the baby, for Meredith.
Dr. Shane Ross: [walks in the room] Uh, Dr. Yang. Dr. Webber needs you in O.R. Two.
Dr. Cristina Yang: To do what? I can't operate in the dark. No one is operating in the dark.