The Best Dr. Heather Brooks Quotes

Dr. Heather Brooks: It's freaking imagical!

Dr. Heather Brooks: Dr. Bailey, can you help? It's Dr. Grey. She's in surgery and she's in bad shape.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Dr. Grey is very capable. She'll figure it out.
Dr. Heather Brooks: She's not operating. She's the one on the table.

Dr. Heather Brooks: Whatever twists your knickers!

Dr. Shane Ross: [to Cristina] Have you seen Dr. Webber?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Uh, last time I saw him was after surgery. He went to go check on the generator.
Dr. Shane Ross: Where's that?
Dr. Cristina Yang: How the hell should I know?
[walks away]
Dr. Heather Brooks: [walks up to Shane] Lidocaine and a bunch of 4x4s. Can you take that to Hunt? I got paged by Shepherd.
Dr. Shane Ross: Uh... he wants you to go find Webber.
Dr. Heather Brooks: Are you sure? He just paged me 9-1-2. That's our special little code. It means it's more urgent than 9-1-1. Get it?
Dr. Shane Ross: All I know is they need Webber here and Shepherd wants you to get him. Apparently, he went to deal with the generator.
[Heather shakes her head and walks away]

Dr. Connie Ryan: Okay, Meredith, I've closed your uterus and I just started to suture your incisions. Do you trust these guys to finish? Have you taught them that much?
Dr. Heather Brooks: I'll do it.
Dr. Shane Ross: No. You stole neuro. You're not stealing this. This is my surgery, my patient, my incision, mine. Dr. Grey, I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
Dr. Meredith Grey: It's okay, Ross. I like the enthusiasm. Go scrub.

Dr. Heather Brooks: That is crazyballs!

Dr. Meredith Grey: Ross, what is taking so long?
Dr. Shane Ross: It's fine. It's just... it won't stop bleeding.
Dr. Heather Brooks: Ooh. Oh, god. That's... That's a lot of blood.
Dr. Meredith Grey: How much blood?
Dr. Shane Ross: I... I don't know. It's not coming from your uterus.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Brooks, shine a light over here. I feel something on my hand.
[Heather shines the light]
Dr. Meredith Grey: There's blood coming out around my I.V. I'm in D.I.C. I need F.F.P packed red blood cells, and platelets. I had a fall.
Dr. Shane Ross: What?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Yesterday, I... I fell down the stairs. I might have injured something in my abdomen.
Dr. Shane Ross: Did you feel any pain?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I've been in labor.