The Best Dr. Finn Dandridge Quotes

Finn: I don't know what happened last night. Between you and Derek.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Finn...
Finn: And I don't wanna know, alright, we never said that we were exclusive.
Dr. Meredith Grey: But you have plans.
Finn: Yeah. Well I didn't say I wasn't pissed off. I said we weren't exclusive. That's all I wanted to say. Oh and, uh, and this. I know you think you're scary and damaged...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Dark and twisty.
Finn: It makes you feel like you don't deserve good things. But you do. And Derek - he's bad for you. But me - I'm a good thing. And if there's a race, if there is a ring, my hat is in.

Dr. Finn Dandridge: Hi!
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [shocked] Finn...
Dr. Finn Dandridge: I didn't think you guys would be here! I just wanted to drop this off... it's strawberry ice cream... a patient made it for me...
Dr. Derek Shepherd: A patient's owner...
Dr. Finn Dandridge: It's made from scratch... real strawberries.
Dr. Meredith Grey: I love strawberry ice cream!
Dr. Derek Shepherd: And you remembered...
Dr. Finn Dandridge: I did! I just thought I'd leave it by the door.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You didn't think it would melt?
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Well you take your chances.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: It worked out for you...
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Mmm...
Dr. Meredith Grey: What exactly is going on here?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: He's crashing our date.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: And where do you think I got that idea?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I didn't crash your date, it was professional.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: You can't operate without her?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I certainly operate well with her!
Dr. Meredith Grey: Enough! This is not dating... I want moonlight and flowers and candy... and people trying to feel me up... nobody is trying to feel me up! Nobody is even looking at me! I'm an intern... do the two of you have any idea how much effort it takes to do all this? I'm waxed, I plucked and have a clean top on and the two of you are looking at each other!
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Meredith we...
Dr. Meredith Grey: NO! My fantasy is not two men looking at each other!
Dr. Finn Dandridge: We didn't...
Dr. Meredith Grey: No talking until one of you figures out how to put on a date! I want heat, I want romance... dammit! I want to feel like a frickin' lady!
[walks into her house]

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [During Meredith's dream; to Meredith] Good morning.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Good morning.
[kisses Derek]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Finn] Good morning.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: It is a good morning.
[Meredith turns to face Finn]
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Hi.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Hi.
[kisses Finn]
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Did you get any sleep last night?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Not really.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Do you want to get some now?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Not really.

Finn: Liz was my wife. When she died, you do this thing where you stop making plans because you had plans and there was a car crash and your plans dissapear. I just try to get from sun up to sun down. That's as far into the future as I can handle and I've been fine with that, I have, but right now, looking at you, damn, I have all kinds of plans.

Finn: I never said I wasn't scary and damaged too.

Dr. Meredith Grey: You are just one of many men I happen to be dating at the moment.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Really? How many of us are there?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Uh... well... there's... uh... you... and Finn... and...
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Well forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but I don't see any practitioners of veterinary medicine at your bedside.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: You would if you turned around.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Ah... Finn.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Derek.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Can I just say how much it helps that I am on drugs right now.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: So.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: So.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: So, how's life in the animal kingdom?
Dr. Finn Dandridge: 'Bout you, Derek? Slow day?
[Derek's pager beeps]
Dr. Finn Dandridge: If you need to take off that's...
Dr. Derek Shepherd: No, it's fine. I can stay.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Great.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Great.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Great.
Dr. George O'Malley: Ok, let's get you prepped and ready-Dr. Shepard. Dr. Finn.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Now all my boys are here. You're all so handsome... and such good kissers.
Dr. George O'Malley: Oh... God...
Dr. Finn Dandridge: Excuse me?
Dr. George O'Malley: She's on drugs.
Dr. Meredith Grey: He's an excellent kisser.
Dr. Finn Dandridge: You two dated?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You didn't know?
Dr. Meredith Grey: It wasn't a date so much as a... disastrously... uncomfortable... sexual experience.