The Best Geek Leader Quotes

[Kable suddenly resists Castle's mind control, and lunges at him with a knife]
Ken: What the hell was that?
Geek: Someone on the outside is sending him commands.
Backup: We're being broadcast live.
Ken: Well, jam the signal! Jam the signal, you goddamn retards!
Backup: Working on it.

Ken: [while struggling with Kable] I think it... you-fucking-do-it!
Kable: Look at this knife... imagine me sticking it into your gut. Think about it. Make it real!
[Slowly, the knife reverses and Kable stabs Castle in the gut. Castle screams and chokes]
Geek: Oops.

Ken: [seeing Hackman] Look at it. The new face of Slayers. Pure, crystalized horror. Two stories high and bathed in bloody red. He is what they want.
Geek: They love Kable.
Ken: They do now, but when they watch their hero die right in front of their eyeballs so sharp and vivid it feels like you could reach out and touch the wet flesh, they're going to change their point of view. They'll be seduced by the power of violence; the dominance. It's human nature.
Geek: Kable's made it through 28 battles. Every player in the game has tried to take him out.
Ken: Yeah, Kable's the perfect soldier. He's a tactical killing computer. His only vulnerability is the nanex itself; the *ping*, the delay between Simon's commands and Kable's ability to execute.
Geek: So why should this one be any different? Who controls him?
Ken: [long pause] No one.

[last lines]
Kable: Hey. Shut it off.
Geek: Pardon?
Kable: The Nanex. It means nothing to you, it's just a mouse click. Set us free.
[the Geek Leader nods at another technician, who enters the command on his tablet]
Geek: Well played, Kable.

Gorge: What are you doing here? Who are you?
Geek: Tech support.