The Best Kable Quotes

Kable: [after killing Hackman] You should have let him fight for himself. Maybe then he would have had a shot.
Ken: I think you're missing the point, my man.
Kable: No, no, I get it. You're pulling all the strings around here. Which makes my next move pretty stupid...!
[He lunges at Castle with a knife, but freezes unexpectedly]
Ken: I neglected to mention my smart boys reversed that crack the Humanz worked for you. Easy-breezy, once I had access to their drives.

Kable: [to Hackman] You know your head ain't on straight?

Kable: I need you to get me something.
Trace: What, Tillman?
Kable: Drunk.

[last lines]
Kable: Hey. Shut it off.
Geek: Pardon?
Kable: The Nanex. It means nothing to you, it's just a mouse click. Set us free.
[the Geek Leader nods at another technician, who enters the command on his tablet]
Geek: Well played, Kable.

Ken: [while struggling with Kable] I think it... you-fucking-do-it!
Kable: Look at this knife... imagine me sticking it into your gut. Think about it. Make it real!
[Slowly, the knife reverses and Kable stabs Castle in the gut. Castle screams and chokes]
Geek: Oops.

Upgrade: Who aims?
Kable: What?
Upgrade: Who aims? The player or the slayer?
Kable: I'm the hand. Someone, somewhere else is the eye.
Upgrade: That's tripped out, man.
Kable: Sometimes, they take over completely. Move you around like a robot. But that don't work so good.
Upgrade: Why not?
Kable: The delay.
Upgrade: Right, the "ping," they talk about that. The time it takes for the Slayer to respond to the player's commands.
Kable: Whatever they call it, when you're in the game, a slice of a second is the difference between living and dying. When that trigger pulls... it's just me.

Simon: Gibs.
Kable: What?
Simon: Like giblets. Kibbles 'n Bits. Chunks. Pieces. Everywhere.
Kable: These are real humans fucker!
Simon: Death row psychos, so what? They had it coming anyway, right?
Kable: I guess that goes for me too.
Simon: Yeah, but you're different.
Kable: Different. How?
Simon: I don't know, because you're *my* psycho.

Ken: I'm wired too. I replaced 98% of my own noodle with nano-tissue years ago. But mine's different. It's built to send, to transmit, whereas every other nano-cell that I've put out there, including the ones in your head Kable, are designed to receive. I think it, you do it. We're talking every Slayer, everyone in Society city. I believe your better half would fall under that category, provided they were within range of my transmitters.
Kable: Very nice, Castle. So you got an army of psychotics and deviants to dance around for you?
Ken: You're thinking small, Kable. But not as small as me.
[dips hands in dust]
Ken: See, nano-cells are real small. A thousand times smaller than these dust particulates. You inhale it, they go to work: replicating, spreading like a virus, multiplying in exponentials. Six months time, I can have a hundred million people converted. Ditch diggers, porn stars, and presidents. Not one would be the wiser. A hundred million people who buy what I want them to buy, vote how I want them to vote, do pretty much damn well anything I figure they ought to do. For instance...
[Hackman attacks Kable]

Kable: Kid's gonna get me killed.
Simon: Dude, I'm right here man. I can hear you.
Kable: Listen to me. I don't know who's behind it or why, but I was supposed to die tonight. Lucky for us, I can beat them, but not with you controlling me.
Simon: What the hell are you talking about?
Kable: Turn me loose, kid. You want to win? Turn me loose!

Kable: Turn me around.

[For the first time, Kable is speaking with Simon, his controller in the game]
Kable: What are you, twelve?
Simon: I'm seventeen, thank you.
Kable: This is unbelievable! Why am I not dead yet?
Simon: Because I am a bad-ass motherfucker.

Kable: [slams into a super-sized futuristic computer monitor, while trying to rescue his daughter] Oh, Delia!
Ken: Not bad for video, huh?
Kable: What?
Ken: The latest and greatest, I defy you to tell it from real life... could you imagine porn on this thing?