The Best Amber Valletta Quotes

Emily: [the mysterious figure on the balcony turns out to be...] Lydia!
Lydia: [to Victoria and Emily] Don't just stand there. Zip me up!

Frank: It was just a favor. I don't usually do this sort of a job.
Audrey: I thought you were a professional driver?
Frank: A different kind of driver.

Lydia: You must come from a family of polar bears. Because that water is ice cold.
Emily: Only at first, then you can't feel anything.
Lydia: Sounds like my marriage.

Frank: [limousine pick-up for Lydia, security chief opening car door for her] Ms. Davis.
Lydia: Thanks for picking me up on the street corner like a prostitute.
Conrad: [on cellphone inside car] Yeah, all right. Don't send anyone through for the next half-hour, Sharon. I'll return calls when I'm back at the office.
Lydia: So you do still return calls.
Conrad: Lydia, I understand, you're upset.
Lydia: I'm not upset.
[hands him a large folder]
Lydia: I'm ruined.
Conrad: What is this?
Lydia: [telephoto lens pictures taken through the window of her secret liaison, shows illicit romance] Michael's attorney presented these to the judge. And they triggered the fidelity clause in our prenup.
[several damning photographs]
Lydia: I get nothing. The beach house, my jewelry, the damn dog... Everything is gone.
Conrad: I am sorry, Lydia, but, really, what can I do?
Lydia: [resolute] You can write me a cheque. A big one.

Angie: Rick Rape, right? I thought you weren't allowed to come here anymore.
[Rick Rape laughs maniacally]
Rick: [calmly] That was last month. I was a bad boy.
[stretches latex pants]

Emily: Lydia, hi. How are you? It's been a long time.
Lydia: Not that long. I want my house back.
Emily: Pardon me?
Lydia: This cottage is one of the few things that still connects me to the life that I lost the weekend I met you. I handpicked nearly every piece of decor in this place.
Emily: And your taste is impeccable, which is exactly why I paid double the asking price, to make sure it came fully furnished.
Lydia: I'm contesting the sale. I was technically on the deed and in spite of what you stumbled onto between me and Conrad at the South Fork Inn, my ex-husband had no legal right to sell.
Emily: I'm sorry for what happened to you, Lydia, and I get that you're upset, but the money from the sale should more than compensate for your loss.
Lydia: And what could a girl like you possibly know about loss?
Emily: If you want to give me your new address, I'd be happy to pack up a few things for you and ship them.
Lydia: I'm not here to get my things back. I'm here to get my life back. And no one, least of all a nosy troublemaker with a penchant for turning my world upside down, is gonna get in the way of that. We all have our South Fork Inn, Emily. I just made it my mission to find yours.

Lydia: I'd be dead, if it wasn't for your wife's momentary lapse of evil.

Lydia: I"m really gonna enjoy remodelling Grayson manor. I always thought this room could use a splash of color.
[pours her glass of red wine over Victoria's hallowed wing chair]

Audrey: You said if I needed anything...
Frank: I can't.
Audrey: Why, because of who I am?
Frank: Because of who *I* am.

Conrad: Have you lost your mind? What the hell kind of stunt are you pulling, showing up at my house?
Lydia: I went to see Victoria. It had nothing to do with you.
Conrad: Nothing to do with me, huh? Victoria is seething.
Lydia: That's exactly why I went. I'm trying to repair the damage that my relationship with you caused our friendship.
Conrad: A friendship that exists only in your imagination, I assure you.
Lydia: She just needs more time. Rather than making this harder, you might want to think about facilitating a détente for the two of us.
Conrad: A détente. Between my wife and my mistress.
[Conrad chuckles in disbelief]
Lydia: If I'm gonna get my life back, then I need Amanda to accept me. And I can't think of a better place than the Open Arms benefit. Get her on board, Conrad. Otherwise...
Conrad: Otherwise what? Another empty threat?
Lydia: Empty? How does this sound? "The Graysons are incredibly powerful, Your Honor. I was intimidated into helping them frame David Clarke, and then threatened by their head of security if I didn't comply. The prosecution rests."
Conrad: You're bluffing.
Lydia: Try me.

Lydia: I am so happy that we're friends again!
Victoria: [smiling broadly] Well it certainly appears that way, doesn't it? But then again, appearances can be deceiving, can't they? And you've practically made it an art form. Understand something, Lydia. Every time I smile at you across a room or we run into each other at a luncheon or I welcome you into my home? Let that smile be a reminder of just how much I despise you. And that every time I hug you? The warmth you feel is my hatred burning through.
[Hugs Lydia warmly]