The Best Hobb Quotes

Hobb: I'm an optimist, not an idiot.

Hobb: He's the 'Mona Lisa'. He's penicillin. He's the atom bomb.

Hobb: Robert, these machines are conscious!
Robert: How do you know they don't just simulate it?
Hobb: How do I know you don't?

Hobb: I truly am sorry.

Hobb: Do you know what the singularity is? A mathematician named John Von Neumann coined the term in the 1950s to describe the inevitable point in the future when technology surpasses us, when it becomes able to improve and reproduce itself without our help. It is the moment when we become inferior to the machine. Now, our world is... is on the verge of becoming dependent on synth labor. Now, these synths are physically no different to any others, and yet... Elster gave them consciousness. If it can be done for the few, it can be done for them all. And then what? Do you think they would still want to be slaves? These freaks are the singularity.

Hobb: This other young man, are you sure he was human?
Silas: You what?
Hobb: Was he human?
Silas: Well, he bled
Silas: blood.